I skimmed through the wiki but couldn’t find it. I saw maybe there’s a way to get firefox nightly to allow any plugin? But I couldn’t figure it out. Anyone have a guide or solution to bypass paywall on Android?
If you have Ublock Origin installed, you can add the bypass paywalls clean filterlist and it will work. That is what i did.
This is da way
Firefox nightly is a pain, you can make a collection on desktop, and add that collection to the app. It’s trial and error which extensions work.
The easiest way is to add “https://12ft.io/” before the article’s URL and it will bypass the paywall
I tried that, and it got some error about “secure connection”
I’ve tried and tried to install the bypass paywall xpi in Firefox nightly on android and I just can’t get it to install. It seems like FF has no clue what to do with xpi files anymore.
I tried the install.html trick I found on stack overflow but FF keeps downloading the xpi and won’t install it. The GitHub extension installer no longer exists. Root explorer and other file managers dont work.
Good luck! I’ll be checking back to see if anyone gets it figured out.
There’s actually a way to install xpi files but it requires root unfortunately. There was a recent video posted on YouTube that shows modifications to the .json file in the data folder. If you’re rooted definitely worth checking it out
Kiwi browser with bypass paywall clean extension
Could try searching the url on archive.is or one of its mirrors.
I found one solution. At least it works for WSJ. Firefox has a “reading mode” button next to the url. That seems to bypass the paywall
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In my experience, 12ft fails to work many times and does not support a wide range of sites. The best way to bypass news paywalls is to use Bypass Paywalls Chrome Clean extension, which is available both for Chrome and for Firefox. It supports many sites, and has recent updates. Browser extensions on Android are much limited, but the best Android browser I found to support extensions is Kiwi browser. Another browser I heard that has supports extensions is Orion browser, though I have not tried it.
Personally I use Iceraven (https://github.com/fork-maintainers/iceraven-browser) it’s a Firefox fork. But there’s a variety of browsers that support add-ons that can be found on F-Droid like Mill, Fennec, etc
This is what you gotta do yo. Go to the gitlab repo of bypass paywall clean, there the Dev says to install an old version of FF that can install add-on from file then update. link here