I’m pretty left, yada yada whatever, y’all seem to know things I wanna know. Curious where you get your info and such and so on. Idk show me stuff, I wanna depropagandize myself.
I’m pretty left, yada yada whatever, y’all seem to know things I wanna know. Curious where you get your info and such and so on. Idk show me stuff, I wanna depropagandize myself.
Comrade, you need to get on board with the Cuba pill. Listen to Blowback Season 2 and embrace the
I’ll just say that Blowback, in general, is great for the Imperialist brainworms. While season 1 is Iraq, which most people “know”, the following seasons are really incredible in developing some of the insanity that
has engaged in over the 20th c.
Seconding Blowback, I’m six episodes in and went from “Hmm I feel icky about Cuba” to “Holy fucking shit I can’t believe we would do that to them, I unequivocally support Cuba”
The news from Cuba is even better since the season aired. Their constitution is now more progressive to LGBTQ people than