I’m pretty left, yada yada whatever, y’all seem to know things I wanna know. Curious where you get your info and such and so on. Idk show me stuff, I wanna depropagandize myself.
I’m pretty left, yada yada whatever, y’all seem to know things I wanna know. Curious where you get your info and such and so on. Idk show me stuff, I wanna depropagandize myself.
Yeah I’m not entirely certain on what exactly I am looking to learn about. I’ve just been seeing a lot of post here that I instinctively disagree with but upon further thought realize I don’t actually have any evidence other than that it’s generally what I’ve heard other people say. Yet the people here seem so certainly they are right that I atleast have to look into it. I’m specifically talking about big claims like genocide denial. For example I have been told that Mao Zedong is responsible for like 40-80mil deaths yet people here claim he isn’t and seeing how that is quite a substantial claim I should atleast take it seriously and look into it yk?
I don’t want to just be some reactionary parroting talking points I’ve never actually validated
The black book of communism where everyone gets the “communism killed 100 million” from, you should know it counts nazis among those victims of communism AND the soviets who were fighting against those nazis AND both sides’ theoretical children that weren’t born. It’s an absolute joke and like half of its authors have disavowed it.