A Starfield remake, of sorts, has been created in 48 hours, incorporating seamless travel between planets, something missing from the actual Bethesda RPG.
A Starfield remake, of sorts, has been created in 48 hours, incorporating seamless travel between planets, something missing from the actual Bethesda RPG.
Or that the technology available doesn’t really make this type of setup reasonable?
Star Citizen is trying to do this and it’s been how long with how much money spent?
Would Starfield be a better game if they sacrificed the quests/content/companions and just made a game that was more like Elite Dangerous or No Man’s Sky?
I mean, CIG has been trying to make a game that does what you want for the last 13 years and they aren’t close yet. Maybe it’s not as easy as you want it to be?
Star citizen has been able to do “all that” for at least 4 years, and most consider it a glorified tech demo
In Star citizen you can also do all those things with other players too
If you think “they aren’t close yet” it might be worth trying it out during one of the free fly events - the only cost is your time to download and play it.
Having an opinion is fine, having an informed opinion is better
I actually backed the original Kickstarter.
If it’s close, when is the release date?
If things continue the way it has been, never would be the best estimate of a release date.
Depending on the last time you logged into a session, the current status is between playable and entertaining and nightmare of lag/desync issues making it something most people would want to avoid
In a purely technical sense, if CIG locked the code branch and set 100% of the creative teams to the task, the current system could replicate a Starfield level game and do so in a seamless manner.
It wouldn’t be without issues but something I consider plausible
Well nms had all that seven years ago at launch
A good point, and the popularity and sales of NMS reflect that
Yea meant to reply to the commen you dere replying to welp
As far as I can tell I was replying to you, I agree that NMS had those things at launch
Nah lol what I am saying is that I meant to reply to the same comment that you were earlier replying to anyway have a nice day/night
If it’s just a glorified tech demo, then it doesn’t seem like it’s able to be compared to a released and completed game? Unless the designation of tech demo means something I’m not aware of.
It’s like that that old programming joke:
I have a strong suspicion the project will fall to development hell and never really be completed in the sense other games are.
I only know of it from memes about it’s development, but I would agree from what I know. Scope creep seems to be a thing there. Ambitions are great, until they get in the way of every other aspect of the game lol