what discussion, they’re right
the correct position
aaaaaand send
gato delenda est
humans kill so many animals for food, there is nothing wrong with this especially if they are a threat to biodiversity.
cats and dogs shouldn’t get special treatment
I don’t get people who are pro-outdoor cat at this point
Fuck outdoor cats.
There’s outbreaks of toxoplasmosis in aquatic/marine life that is threatening endangered species such as sea otters, seals, sea lions, and dolphins.
Letting cats run free and thus allowing them to shit near waterways poses a significant threat to aquatic and marine life.
Kitten thinks of nothing but murder all day.
Before hexbear: Caging cats indoors is animal abuse and ought not to be tolerated, since it is specicist!
After hexbear: Allowing cats - dangerous outdoor predators - outside ought not to be tolerated, it is animal abuse and murder and specicist!
Honestly try not to buy animals, okay?
There’s a middle ground between caging and letting cats run outside where they’re likely to be hurt.
There’s a middle ground between caging and letting cats run outside where they’re likely to be hurt.
It isn’t about the cats getting hurt though (it is about them killing) and flats aren’t large enough to be considered acceptable housing for cats in my opinion.
(the middle ground is to not own a cat)