I love how expressive everything looks. It reminds me a bit of the older Sonic games (or Cuphead) in that there’s a lot of personality there that New Super Mario Bros didn’t have.
It’s so much more expressive and looks like it has so much more creative energy than the New smb series. Excited to play this
The smb series started in 2006 on the DS and got the rework for the Wii in 2009. I am not sure this super animated style would have been possible. I am shocked it took them this long to give us a new side scrolling Mario.
With that being said I am really excited for this game. Looks incredible and I’m sure it’ll be great.
I’m so down for this, loving the art style and the weird ass mechanics.
Been wanting a new 2D Mario, and I’m so happy they’re deviating from the “New Super Mario” stuff at least a bit, shit was getting VERY stale.
Yeah! It’s been soooooo long since we got a new 2d Mario in a unique art style. So hyped for this
This looked like a lot of fun! Playable Daisy, ahhh!
It’s interesting how some general mechanics were toyed around with. The end-of-level flagpole that got knocked down, a close-up perspective/section, hard to explain (see 1:42 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JStAYvbeSHc) and…I forget the third, ha! Looks great though, excited!
It’s refreshing to see a new style for a 2D Mario game. I’m really excited to see what all the wonder mechanics are.
Playable Daisy temporarily cured my depression so glad that Daisy is playable in a mainline game (the drugs probably helped) and i think Yoshi is as well cause at 2:00 all 4 are Yoshis and I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re the easy character like Toadette or Nabbit with a flutter that they normally have 1:46.
It seems you have to take LSD to get the collectables so do drugs kids?
This is the first 2D Mario in a long time that I’ve been excited for!
Seems fun. Waiting for s hands on review.
I haven’t cared about Mario since the SNES and this looks amazing.
Oh lord, I hate those combo pop up words. Hope those can be turned off in settings.
Other than how busy it looks(too many moving things, too many words, too many indicators and crowns and flags and shining objects) it looks okay. Wonder if they’ll have settings to reduce sensory input.
Looks amazing! Finally an actually new 2D Mario game.
The graphics/animations kinda feel like a flash game to me. Mario feels shorter than he should be. Wish they kept the nsmb artsyle.
He is but I assume it’s going for a more cutesy thing or whatever villain with its LSD power chibified them cause the cover has normal looking Mario characters so i don’t know.
Gave a good lol. Definitely agree.
This looks pretty good, I’ll be waiting on the reviews. Thanks for posting the vid!
Fun. It looks like they swapped out shrooms with salvia.
I’m super excited for this. I would rather have a new 3D mario, but I’m perfectly happy for a new 2D mario. Part of me wanted more mario maker content, but at the end of the day I’d rather have levels designed by nintendo employees
Saw the 2D perspective and was worried that this would be like New Super Mario Bros. (just okay imo), but there are actually some new mechanics in this thing! looks fun. and cute. can’t forget the cute.