
I am interested in creating a website that offers free APIs for use in various projects. For instance, you could use the API to obtain search results or access the MyIP API. I am open to suggestions for other APIs that would be helpful.

There is only one restriction I will impose, which is a limit on the number of requests per second.

If I proceed with this idea, would you be interested in using it? Please note that any financial support would be voluntary donations (No Stupid Memberships, Credits, or any pay-to-use)

Thank you.

    2 years ago

    There is only one reason to use an API — a developer has a use-case for it. Setting aside all of the security concerns, the existence of some API proxy is not useful in and of itself. Not only is it dead simple to set something like that up, by oneself, thus eliminating the security risks of relying on a third party, it’s just not going to gain traction if it doesn’t add something that makes it more useful than simply calling the endpoint API.

    It’s cool you’re looking to try things, but perhaps coming up with a novel service would be a better use of time and effort.

    I wish you luck.