Relative difference between two values depends on the perspective. These numbers mean that the purchasing power in the USA is 35% higher when compared to the EU. Conversely, it means that the purchasing power in the EU is 26% lower when compared to the USA.
Math is fun. As a rule of thumb: If you have one third more than someone else, he has one quarter less than you. Perspective is often used in journalism to scew statistics without lying, so it’s nice to be aware.
Relative difference between two values depends on the perspective. These numbers mean that the purchasing power in the USA is 35% higher when compared to the EU. Conversely, it means that the purchasing power in the EU is 26% lower when compared to the USA.
Math is fun. As a rule of thumb: If you have one third more than someone else, he has one quarter less than you. Perspective is often used in journalism to scew statistics without lying, so it’s nice to be aware.