Such a lust for revenge! Who-who-hoot-whooooooooo?!
An owl denied their beans
Trifling woman don’t cook ma beans 🎶
Context: this might be super niche but there’s a banjo song about trifling women who don’t cook beans ive seen and I thought you were referencing that.
I must find this song immediately
Give men a banjo and they just mope about women not making their beans smh
Hahaha nice
It is a banger and I enjoy taking the piss out of the boomer “I hate my wife” meme lyrics.
it’s mfing beans, how hard can it be for a guy to cook them himself?
this owl eatin beans
Hi as a ratgirl and big rat stan this is traumatic content.
I love rats!
yeah rats don’t deserve that
Rats are beautiful precious pocket puppies and deserve to be worshipped like cats in retro Egypt.
deleted by creator
May the gods smile upon thee dirt_owl.
Blessed are the owls coveted in dirt