“Why yes, my overpriced fake leather nostolgiabait shoes that have nothing in it, dont come in wide, and gives people pla tar fasciitis is muxh better than the other overpriced fake leather hipsterbait shoe!!!”
And then kids will literally screech in the damn store if they dont get their shitty nike shoe, becayse its about the NAME of the BRAND!!!
When I went to school some kid tried to diss me by saying “I bet you got them at a discount” and I didn’t understand, because I did and that meant we could also afford a winter coat from the surplus store.
It’s the same argument people had during the PS3/360 days. If you had a PS3 you were considered poor because you got to play online for free, while 360 users had to pay… for the exact same feature.
I always make sure to voluntarily pay twice as much for all my clothing items because that makes them better somehow.