There’s that joke about wearing regular clothes on Halloween to go as the “gifted kid”, and when people ask what you’re supposed to be you sigh and say you were supposed to be a lot of things.
You’re gifted enough to cruise through the first few stages of your education without trying, so you forge an identity as “the smart kid” but never build up skills in learning or studying, so when you finally get to a level where your natural intelligence can’t carry you anymore you can’t keep up with the people who did learn those skills and you start to fail and lose your identity as the smart kid which causes you to break down because that’d how you defined yourself for so long… or so I’ve heard.
IQ is bullshit. The gifted kids were just the kids that had supportive homelives
This isn’t true at all. IQ isn’t some magical catch-all measure of a person’s intellectual ability, but it’s not entirely total quackery either.
I suspect that academic success would be very strongly correlated with having a supportive home life, but IQ not so much. Maybe the gifted kids you refer to were the academically successful ones and not the high-IQ ones?
They once had me take one of those horoscopes and one part of it was a rorschach test. How is that not quakery.
Another part was to have me write a short text wich fair enough.
fill in mulltiple choise questions that were deliveratly obtuse and ambigous.
The only part that i would expect to corrrelaete with intelligence was when i had to memorize a string of numbers and repeat it after a while. But even then this is an ability you can train.
What’s funny is I got an IQ test in 5th grade and absolutely nothing you listed was in mine
Maybe you just dont remember it well because you are not very smart.
Don’t know why you’re trying to start shit with me but please go fuck yourself.
You are the one trying to start shit here. If you had a more nuanced response. In this case, an example would be descriving your experience. You would get a more nuanced response. See the other guy.
But im glat i touched a sore spot for you.
All I did was say I took an IQ test that didn’t have any of the elements in yours. You came back calling me stupid.
Elaborate on how I started shit with you. Explain yourself. How the fuck do you envision yourself as being justified. How the fuck do you explain your perception of me starting shit with you.
The creator of this comic is a self-described pro-sweatshop neoliberal, which explains the “woe is me, I’m too smart for my own good” delusions.
I don’t think he’s ever come out in favor of sweatshops? Maybe you’re think of Matt ygelsia from vox.
Do you have a source for that? I cannot find anything about it online in Google, Wiki or even in ChatGPT delusions.
Sure, because something so egregious would definitely show up in a Google search for “Zach Weinersmith sweatshop”, right?
Unless…you’re exaggerating on the Internet to stir up outrage?