The organization that represents Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard’s works has petitioned the U.S. government to restrict the right to repair a religious artifact called an E-Meter. This device is core to Scientology practices but the group argues exemptions allowing device hacking should not apply to equipment restricted to trained users. Experts believe the E-Meter is the targeted device, which the Church says requires specific Scientologist operation. Documentation shows the E-Meter updater software mandates registration, including a membership number, suggesting repair restrictions. The language used in the petition matches stipulations Scientology requires for E-Meter use and purchase agreements. In short, the Church appears to be attempting to prevent independent E-Meter repair or experimentation through copyright exemption restrictions.
What you gonna repair it for? It’s not like it’s gonna work
They don’t want their follower to repair the device, they want them to keep buying them. Also, they probably afraid that some of their follower would mod the meter to output high reading to clear the audit. lmao.
What’s funny is that one reading on a person could be wildly different than the next. If all it is reading is minute charges on a person’s skin, you could just change locations and drastically impact the readings.
Of course, this is why “highly trained professionals” perform these “audits”
I hear you. It doesn’t do anything in the first place. How the fuck can it be broken?