I need a more privacy-oriented alternative to Youtube. I have try Odysee, which open-source but it has to do with tokens and that seems to me like crypto, which I don’t like. I have heard about Newpipe but this only for Android. Can you recommend me one that is also for the web and optionally open-source?
Sorry for bad english
Peer tube is probably the closest open source freedom loving network, but the content is sparse now.
Also from a creators prespective it is neither that easy to use nor cheap. With all there is certainly problematic and wrong with Youtube, it’s a really good service thats hard to beat. Videostreaming demands a lot from servers. I’ve yet to find a way to host vidoes for Peertube in an affordable way where I don’t have to worry about basic stuff. (Any suggestions?)
I don’t know what basic stuff you mean, but as a suggestion if I was looking for cheap servers with high storage and unlimited high speed bandwidth, I’d look at seedboxes.
An example on the first hit gives you: 1TB of space, 20Gbit unlimited up and management features for €14.95
I haven’t used this company but I have used other seedboxes
Nebula costs ~$15/year. The content is mostly great, mobile app is a disaster.
Nebula is great. But it’s not really a YouTube alternative.
Random people can’t upload videos.