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I remember a high school friend’s father saying something to me like, “You’ll get more conservative when you start paying taxes.” This was around 1993-1994 or so.
I’m 45 now, modestly wealthy, and pay plenty of taxes. I can’t envision ever voting for a Republican for any public office ever again…and the current circus of bullshit around TFG just seals that deal for me.
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Same (though not American). I did the opposite. I started off conservative cause that’s what my family and community was. Then found out that was hateful bullshit and am now extremely progressive. I’m happy to pay my taxes (and I pay waaaay more than average). I do sometimes wish they went to better things and weren’t squandered as often (especially on MPs paying for $16 glasses of orange juice), but overall Canada does a decent job at using its taxes. It’s impossible for taxes to go to 100% agreeable things, since there’s no satisfying everyone. They’re ultimately a net benefit.
I also don’t have kids but am happy to see kids get the benefits of my taxes (and many other things taxes go to that don’t directly benefit me). People who expect tax dollars to always benefit them are selfish and narrow-minded, which I think is the root reason some people don’t like taxes.
My afternoons at 18: sips tea reading Noam Chomsky’s Failed State
My afternoons at 30: sips vodka reading Unabomber’s Manifesto
Um, ok. Please don’t murder a lot of innocent people?
Ok, just a couple of guilty ones then
Edit: oh I almost forgot
I don’t want Secret Services rifling through my stuff because some of you don’t have the ingenuity to tell this was a joke
You made a weird joke about terroristically murdering people. I don’t think the secret service has jurisdiction, but yeah you honestly could be contacted by the FBI after this. Hope it was worth glorifying a psycho.
Also, ingenuity isn’t an applicable word when addressing an audience who did not find you funny/clever
He was preaching in his manifesto, it’s unbelievably based.
It’d be Walden 2 Das kapital returns if it weren’t for him trying to blow up random people.
That escalated quickly!!!
I don’t know if 12 years qualifies as “quickly”, but it escalated for sure
Ted started off as a smart guy, but the MKULTRA abuse he experienced left him with a broken ideology.
Many parts of his manifesto are problematic, and I hope people don’t think it’s good theory.
Some excerpts:
The leftist is antagonistic to the concept of competition because, deep inside, he feels like a loser.
The leftist seeks to satisfy his feeling of inferiority by cultivating attitudes of superiority. He is not the only one to do this, but he is the one who goes furthest in this direction.
Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good, and successful.
The leftist is not typically the kind of person whose feelings of inferiority make him a braggart, an egotist, a bully, a self-promoter, a ruthless competitor. This kind of person is too eager to seize the initiative and too insensitive to feel guilty for his aggression. The leftist is as prone to manipulating others as the more right-wing person, but his main goal is to avoid straining his own conscience.
Ted also has some jabs at reactionaries, but he’s not a leftist for sure. There’s better literature out there, from an actual leftist perspective that people could be reading instead.
I think he committed the error of giving a political attribute to a certain cathegory of people.
In those excerpt, if you switch “leftist” with “twitter social justice warrior” you can feel who really he is mad at.Honestly it just feels like he projects a lot of stuff that overlaps with fascist ideology as well as having a horrid concept of actual leftism, then again Ted having a fried brain makes sense given he decided to just randomly send out bombs to harm workers.
So far score wise I feel the kid that did in Abe via the
had the best consciousness not to turn into a reactionary bent on harming innocents and instead applied his suffering to a target that has materially contributed to that situation (Abe family and the moonies). i.e. Ted is an example of a mfer with no class consciousness deciding to “solve the problem”.
“people get more selfish and small minded as they age, that’s just a fact!”
The older phrase used to be “You become more right wing when you get older”, wheras is quite likely it was missing the specific cause, which was “You become more right wing when you stop learning”.
That’s an interesting thought actually. Makes sense
I was actually more right wing as a kid. Now that I’ve learned some things about the world that’s when I became a left leaning liberal.
Went from voting far right in 2017 (fucking welfare abusers ) to far left in 2022 (fuckibg corporations costing three times more than welfare) kek
Don’t stop there… commit fully to the dark side
Translation: you’ll become more conservative when you have children and own a home
Millennials: 😆
Zoomers: 😂
Alpha: 🤣
Whateverthefuckcomesnext: 💀deleted by creator
I’ve been fortunate enough to have seen my material conditions improve as I’ve entered my mid-thirties which has let me start a family and buy a home. I’ve also watched my incredibly talented and hard working friends/acquaintances/neighbours be ground into dust under the cruel rule of capitalism. I got lucky, they didn’t, this has radicalized me far more than any naive idealism ever could.
Exactly this. I’m fortunate enough that the skills I’m good at have a lot of demand at the moment, but people I know that are more hard working than I am and very talented, struggle to get by just because their job for some reason is considered less worthy to pay for.
Wanting to maintain this rotten system is the purest form of greed.
Ok that’s a fair but sad take.
I’m conservative but became more socially liberal in my 30’s
My friend who were liberals, who had children and homes grew slightly more conservative but still were liberals.
But I do think that is what drives it is the children and homes. You have to care about schools, crime, etc since you’re in the thick of it.
Which is weird since conservative politics is all about cutting funds for schools, gutting the department of education completely, no pre k or free lunches for kids, and getting rid of a large portion of our law enforcement. Just doesn’t make sense why any one who cares about education or safety would be conservative
getting rid of a large portion of our law enforcement
I’m pretty certain neither party supports this. After 2020, every state and city, including dem-run ones increased police funding.
If you’re talking about republicans complaining about the FBI because it went after Trump, they’re just as likely to abolish prisons because some jan 6ers got convicted. These people like those institutions too much when they’re doing their primary purpose of neutralizing leftist political movements.
Also you’re not private property nor do you own significant capital. It’s not your law enforcement.
Not all conservatives are that way. I support free meals at schools. It makes sense. It’s investing in our children.
Cutting is a complicated topic. The general consensus is throwing money at a problem isn’t the way to solve it all the time. So I’m not for or against spending on schools until we know what problem the money will solve. If we can’t show a benefit then it shouldn’t be spent.
Kansas City spent over a billion dollars trying to fix their schools and it didn’t work. Wasted money.
Cutting law enforcement? Most conservatives want more law enforcement.
Also don’t confuse the people who are shit stains with an old school conservative like myself. They’re not the same thing.
You should look past the Cato Institute’s analysis of the KC schools situation. For example, the summary and conclusion sections of this article from the University of Michigan law school show that the conservative criticisms are based on myth.
I lived it. I have not see the Cato analysis and I can speak from experience and the watching the news.
The goal was to desegregate the schools. That failed. The second goal was to increase test scores. That failed.
I’ve only skimmed the article you’ve posted but I’ve found numbers errors. It’s fifty pages, so it’ll take some time to get through it. They’re twisting things to silly extremes like minimizing the amount of money Kansas City has to spend.
You may revise your opinion after reading the summary and conclusion, but maybe you just figure the liberals at Michigan Law can’t possibly understand all the nuances vs someone watching their local news.
Also, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing. Your skimmed analysis of silly twists of numbers belies the full picture, and in my opinion, total desegregation without changing the major obstacles of the systemic segregation of the city’s real estate, was doomed from the start.
BTW, I agree with you that merely throwing money at an issue without cause isn’t correct. One might argue against the ridiculous and constant over-budgeting of the military, for example. In KC, I believe it had many successes, though obviously not a complete realization of the goals (that shouldn’t have needed to be implemented in the first place).
It’s 59 pages. So I’ll read it but it won’t be till this afternoon. Skimming any article is prone is errors and it’s why I’ll have to read it. The goal was to raise test scores and integrate the schools. The primary goal was integration. It failed because geographic areas. Kansas City is a massive city. I lived in the burbs which means the cab would pick me up at 4am. The military isn’t over budget. It’s about 3% of our gdp. Our commitment to nato is a minimum of 2%. Since the military paid for my college, I’m a staunch defender of it.
Economic issues always come down to economic incentives. You care about property values because your home is an investment. You care about stocks because you have a retirement plan. You care about not being a burden on your children when you’re old and having inheritance to leave behind when you die. You care about crime because you have things to steal and a life to lose.
I don’t have property. I will never retire. I will never have children. I am nothing and no one and that will never change.
When I was younger I was a pretty typical liberal. By 30 I was a Marxist-Leninist and desired nothing but the complete destruction of the demon shithole country called Amerikkka. 😘
For the record, you are something and someone. Don’t ever doubt that.
I am a machine that exists to create value for my boss. I’ll never doubt that.
You’re still a person. We should never forget we are all on this journey together and there is a person on the other end.
Never doubt that.
The last few years have been strange. It feels like a glitch in the matrix but things will get better.
Optimism is for older generations, who lived the before times when life got better year-after-year.
That has never happened in my entire life.
If you don’t mind me asking. What do you do for a living ?
That’s a well intentioned sentiment. So don’t tske any of this as an attack, just a clarification.
We aren’t just all on this journey together, some of us are oppressed by others. Our problems aren’t abstract, they are a consequence of the ruling class engaging in warfare on the rest of us, and that’s what the person above was getting at.
We know we’re people, but we also know that we aren’t people to the ruling class.
Same honey but at different places in the journey.
That is where both of our parties fail is not realizing it’s the same journey. Your more impacts mine and mine impacts yours. Maybe no directly but like ripples when you throw a rock in water.
I buy an iPhone and I am chasing someone to be oppressed making it china.
Yet nobody gives a shit when I bring it up.
No offense, but it seems pretty naive to say things will get better. I try not to jump on conservatives when they are willing to engage, but that’s a pretty rough take.
Things will always get better.
I am always willing to enrage. I only block those who don’t want to have a conversation.
We are at a weird time in the world. We may have some bumps but it’s hard to image it’ll turn into planet of the apes. Something will have to give and things will improve.
There is a theory I use to laugh at about the cycle of generations. I take it more seriously now days.
Nothing about the way everything’s going is designed to let me feel like a person. Money’s a requirement to simply exist. Everything’s a race to get enough money to sustain myself. I’m simply a worker who generates profit so my parasite of a boss and the associated shareholders can hang out on yachts. My job is nonsense too that doesn’t help anyone. I’m estranged from my family for gender and lifestyle reasons, can’t make friends because I’m always exhausted from work, can’t go to therapy except sparingly because it’s too expensive.
No matter how much validity my humanity holds, none of it really matters if none of it can be expressed due to a combination of alienation and dead eyed pessimism about climate change.
And no, we all aren’t on the same journey together. The economic strata that sits above mine has nothing in common with me.
I am sorry your family won’t accept you for you. If you were my family I’d accept you for you. Hopefully you can get the therapy you need and yes, it’s expensive and it shouldn’t be.
Then why conservative when they actively hate children and society in general? It seems insane to lean that way.
They don’t. How myopic to think that.
How myopic to forget the Republicans’ stonewalling after Sandy Hook and Uvalde.
You mean protecting our constitutional right to own a firearm.
Wait is Alpha the next generation’s name after Zoomers?
I have a child and own a home, and am a member of the lost generation. Fuck the Republican Party and any conservative who believes their selfish bullshit should outweigh the greater good of others.
Republicans are fascists, not conservatives.
Democrats are the conservative party.
Having to mow the lawn is the first step in the pipeline of fascism
You joke, but if you ever talked to a homeowner about their lawn and heard them complain about their neighbor’s lawn…
Mowing the lawn is the only hour of uninterrupted creativity I get in the week. Also my neighbour’s lawn is 50% dandelions.
Your lawn is green concrete; a lifeless painting with nothing for pollinators.
Your neighbor’s lawn has wildlife in the deadlands of the suburbs.
Except for the magnolia tree and vegetable garden cleary visible in the photo…
A tiny little strip of life, carefully manicured to minimize nature as much as possible.
Might as well pave over the rest of it and just have potted plants for all the good that does.
my neighbour’s lawn is 50% dandelions.
its too late, you’re hitler himself
Thats actually opposite for me. I remember being more conservative in my 20. I remember watching people like Amazing atheist, armored sceptic, shoe on head and some others that I dont remember. Now in my 30, I have actually softened up a lot and got more liberal views now.
Photo is replaceable by mine, hunched over the laptop when the Internet is down. Text in the Photo the same.
Eat the rich at any age
Subtext here is that white boomers became more conservative because the civil rights movement made them miss Jim Crow
I don’t think I have seen this but the reason we see this effect is murder. The richer you are the older you you manage to live. Either you are too poor and misadventures get your. Or the things that you have progressive beliefs about will get you oppressed and maybe murdered by society. I don’t think it is intended. It could easily be so however, it is just a slow oppression and crushing of everyone in society.
Yeah there is hardcore survivor’s bias.
Also the statement is at best only partially true for the older bougie and middle class fucks who lived through the 80s-90s as neoliberalism did it’s best to delegitimize socialism, and who dominate todays discourse about that period, due to wealth and survivor bias.
41, stable finances, kid, decent job, and still BETTER DEAD THAN RED!
And just to be 100% clear, since I know that phrase meant something completely different 50 years ago, Republicans can get ass-fucked with a spoon
When are going to start referring to the by their proper name? The Worst Generation.
In order to be conservative you have to be afraid, irrationally. Afraid your guns will be taken, afraid the gays are going to out-breed you (not even kidding, they really “think” that), afraid what you want won’t be what everyone does, afraid other people are smarter or more capable, afraid that when you die you won’t get magicked somewhere to live forever. Basically afraid of everything whether it makes any sense or not. And afraid someone else will find out how afraid you are all the time.
They’re pathetic and not fit to walk a dog much less run anything.
Been forever since I’ve got to bust this one out
But also, obligatory Plane Picture
What is the plane picture?
It’s a famous example of survivorship bias. The idea is, adding armor to planes make them heavier, so you want to minimize where you put armor. After some flights, you take note of where the bullet holes are in the planes that come back.
Where do you put more armor? Do you put it where there are the most bullet holes? That seems to be where the planes are being shot the most.
The problem is, your sample isn’t representative of your underlying population. These are the planes that came back. If they get shot it the cockpit, they die.
So, where should you put the armor? Well if they can get shot and come back, it’s not all that important, so put it everywhere else.
During WW2, the Allies wanted to armor their planes better so more would survive missions. But armor is expensive and heavy so you’d have to prioritize where to put it.
So they go out and collect data on the returning planes to see where they’d been hit. That picture is basically the data collected: where returning planes had sustained the most damage.
So most of the engineers looked at that and went “Aha, the points with the most damage should be armored, since they get shredded up pretty good.”
And one engineer went “Um actually, if they got shot there and came back, armor doesn’t matter. We need to armor the spots with no bullet holes, since a plane shot there wasn’t able to return.”
And so it was, and they called it Survivor Bias.
In this case, it’s survivor bias about becoming more conservative as you age