What’s the antithesis of Arrested Development, Firefly or The Big Lebowski? Those may never have ‘found their audience’ but over time seemed to recognised by everyone. What are the deep cuts that you liked but it feels like everyone has completely forgotten they even existed.
I’m confused by the prompt. The Big Lebowski was an amazing movie with great social commentary, but it was poorly received and mostly only had a cult following.
Arrested Development was just okay, nothing special, but is talked about by everyone and absolutely overrated. It’s social commentary is nothing compared to Big Lebowski.
The two are antithesis of each other.
And then Firefly I have no idea what that even is. Is that a YA novel?
So your question is what’s the antithesis of all these unrelated things? Also what’s not underrated but has inadequate social impact, as if Big Lebowski or Arrested Development did??