Imagine having your phone make noise. The horror.
My wife has 2 sisters and they are always in like 3-6 different chats for various parties to be present or both when talking about someone/drama. so she keeps it in silent or else the gd notification sounds go off like a constant alarm. and she wont change her notifs sound to something soft its always some tone where the novelty of it wears off after hearing it once.
that being said, my notif and ringer sounds are from Death Stranding alerts. cuz im wicked cool and kicking rad yo.
I get the notification thing. I can’t stand abrasive notifications, but do not disturb schedules are a thing and can be set to allow certain people through (at least on Android).
Mild sidebar: I switched from a decade’s long iPhone use to Android. They’re so much more customizable. Tell me again how my phone is better? People are there ridiculous blue bubble cult, smh.
My fucking life with my wife and son. I honestly hope I get into a car accident with the steering column impaled in my chest so I can call them with my dying breaths to say I love them, only to have them not pick up because their ring is on mute. Then I’d come back as a total DICK of a ghost saying ‘See? I told you to turn your ring volume up!’