I’m just showing these comments I saw earlier, which were interesting. Since it is true, that we’ve been hearing that “Russia is cornered”, since the invasion started. I personally just want this shit to end.
These comments are relating to an article from this week.
I wonder if we will ever know what truly happens on the ground (i.e. when it comes to casualties and many other things)
Even poorer? WTF are you talking about? I want them to get their land back, and kill the fuckers invading them. I want them to get the tens of thousands of children Russia abducted back. I want them to get reparations for the invasion.
I couldn’t give one single, solitary fuck.
Well, flee if they’re ingelligent, I suppose.
Hey, so what the fuck was Obama and Biden doing in :ukkkraine: 10 years ago?
That said, :hitler-detector: :eat-ass: :PIGPOOPBALLS:
Very little. When Russia invaded the last time around, the US was too scared to send military hardware for fear of provoking Putin. So they sent MREs instead. Fucking MREs. What a joke.
I was referring to the late 2013 coup, you daft bellend.
I saw all this shit happen in 1080p in 2014 when I became politically literate.
Did you miss that they were referring to Ukrainian citizens of Russian ethnicity?