Coomer artists, please get to work

  • Egon [they/them]
    2 years ago

    I appreciate you taking the time to explain this to me, thank you.
    However I disagree with your statement. It’s clear you know a lot more about the technical drawings of art, posings and lighting and so forth, so for this reason I won’t go more into it, except to say that to me I see women being depicted. Saying Russia is posed coyly strikes me as you reading something into the picture that isn’t made present by the creator. The fact that her arm makes her breast visible is just a result of her having big breasts - having big breasts isn’t sexual of itself. The lettering being distorted does highlight that she has big breasts, but again big breasts aren’t sexual. The shadows on her skirt highlight that she has some big ass thighs and a fat ass, which also isn’t sexual in and of itself. Her clothes highlight the shape of her body, which is a conventionally attractive body, but that doesn’t make it sexual.
    I’m not trying to nitpick here, but I am trying to explain how - to me - it strikes me as you saying “attractive people are sexual”. While I understand that there is an extra layer here, since someone decides to draw them a certain way, I don’t see anything in their framing making them explicitly sexualised.

    I know plenty of people with fat sses that sometimea wear a tight-fitting skirt, which the does highlight their pubic region at times as well. That’s not sexualised.