Lol the jig is up, we’ve been the victim of a limited hangout

  • Fuckass [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Kramer: “He banned it, Jerry! I can’t believe it!”

    Jerry: “Slow down. Who banned what?”

    Kramer: “Xi banned the letter N!”

    Jerry: “Your girlfriend banned the letter N?”

    Kramer: “No, Jerry. Xi! Xi Jinping!”

    Jerry: “Oh! The president of China.”

    Kramer: “I don’t know what I’m going to do, Jerry! I don’t have any jokes to open for you anymore! Not without the letter N!”

    Jerry: “What are you talking about?! What’s so special about this damn letter?”

    Kramer: “I… I can’t say. It was supposed to be a surprise.”

    Jerry: “Dammit Kramer. We’re landing in Beijing in 20 minutes! I promised Xiaoping we would both perform tonight!”