It’s an old idiom. To say something is ‘inside baseball’ is to say it relies on a rather esoteric or specialized knowledge about the field.
If you asked most people what the worst possible sin could be, you’d get things like murder, rape, etc… Only the people that have done their reading know that this is explicitly labeled such.
that’s a good point arguably this is so heretical that it is mistaking the holy spirit for the devil which is a pretty big no no
Pssh, how big a deal can denial of the holy spirit be? It’s like the least important of the Trinity.
It’s the worst sin and by a lot
ok that’s on me. I’m bad at guessing tone on text posts
You’re good, this is sorta theology inside baseball so the default assumption that someone doesn’t know that is usually the safest.
what does this phrase mean
It’s an old idiom. To say something is ‘inside baseball’ is to say it relies on a rather esoteric or specialized knowledge about the field.
If you asked most people what the worst possible sin could be, you’d get things like murder, rape, etc… Only the people that have done their reading know that this is explicitly labeled such.
ok cool thanks