No, Donald Trump Is Not 6’3” and 215 Pounds
Let me tell you too.
But seriously, I’m sick of these stupid headlines. Write an article when you know the details not when you are speculating on them. There is nothing new here.
People with zero creativity are all too happy to make momentary buck off the momentum of the moment.
You know what it is? Lazy. They could be doing some proper investigative journalism, but that costs time and often money.
So instead they write an article about Trump being fat. We know he’s fat. We know he’s lying about his weight.
But let’s be real. He’s hardly alone. The vast majority of Americans are fat (something like 70%), and almost 40% are obese. I assume many of these people are also in denial about it. How are they supposed to feel about this article?
Hell, google the author of this article. He’s also overweight. It’s not unlikely he’s also in denial given he chose to write this article. That isn’t an attack. Life happens, you’re busy, and if you’re not careful you get fat. Invariably you’re a bit insecure/vain about it. That’s only human.
Let he who is not fat throw the first stick of butter.
When it comes to Trump, him being fat is the least of his crimes.
and here we are engaging with the content. fml
Also, the weight of some American fraudster is hardly newsworthy, and the connection to politics is slim at best.