New subreddit talking about it here. I’m assuming it will eventually be a Lemmy community
I’m genuinely excited though. I’ve been a long time sync user, and I’d love to see similar features available for Lemmy!
like if the app is better than the browser…
But in the app they can fingerprint you better, allowing them to better identify the criminal scum using third party apps.
Holy shit, what a dumpster fire
It’s the experience of viewing the content you grumpy person!
Just WOW! I’m using SyncPro for 9+ years, I’ll support this app for sure!!!
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I actually prefer infinity, but the dev is trying to implement a subscription service. Of cause you can also compile it yourself with your own api key, but it doesnt seam like he’s switching to Lemmy
I really enjoyed my short time with Infinity. I was just seeing what else is out there and that one checked almost all of my boxes. I couldn’t get over the bright ass green they used when a comment was fully collapsed though. Still a fantastic app and I hope that dev continues to succeed.
Same! Although probably not as long. But Sync was consistently my go to even after trying other android apps.
Mlem is a good beginning, but I hope for an Apollo-level quality app for Lemmy. It’ll come, in time. And perhaps SyncForLemmy will be just that!
That is our goal with Mlem. And trust me, our team is working, as absolutely fast as we can! Keep in mind, though, we’re starting from scratch. 😁
Thank you for working on this! I love Mlem and am excited to see how it develops.
I’m using the app now, and it has seen some real improvements.
Are you guys taking feedback seriously? I don’t want to dump it in a circular bin.
Have to assume it’ll be Android-only like Sync for Reddit is/was, right?
There was a Sync for iOS beta at one point… in the dark days before Apollo.
Likely at first, but Sync for Reddit has a TestFlight for an iOS Version. I suspect that effort could be carried over if the porting process isn’t too arduous.
I think it’s only a matter of time. I hope Lemmy/fediverse keeps up the momentum, it’s so great being off Reddit.
There’s also Memmy.
But it’s also unfinished
And Thunder (ios and android)
That one looks great!
Last time I checked it wasn’t on any of the stores - now it’s listed on FDroid from the izzysoft repo!
I’m testing Memmy and it’s rapidly being amazing, super impressed
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Yeah it’s not bad, but there are numerous features I see missing, including simply saving photos easily. I know it’s a volunteer effort and I know in time all things will come. I don’t mind being patient :) I just know I’m going to miss Apollo and all the polish that application had.
There is another new app that seems to be taking some inspiration from Apollo. It’s also meant to work with kbin (kbin support first since it lacks any apps currently).
Amazing news. I loved Sync. If the developer could just imitate what they did with Sync but for Lemmy that would be great!
Obviously isnt the ideal location for beehaw users to follow but you dont need to be logged in to view content so I’d suggest just browsing the syncforlemmy community natively for now. Right now there are no official posts by ljdawson anyways.
Seems like a consequence of beehaw’s actions
it may seem that way, but that’s not accurate. something had to be done to stem the trolls and lemmy doesn’t provide any tools for less severe action.
You’re describing the reasoning behind the decision. The fact that this is a consequence of that decision remains the same.
I don’t agree. I think it’s disingenuous to isolate the decision from the context as if it were made unprompted. it comes across as if you are blaming the admins for something you don’t like - if that’s not your intent, then what is ?
I think it’s disingenuous to isolate the decision from the context as if it were made unprompted.
There’s nothing in my comment to suggest that, and I think you’re projecting here.
it comes across as if you are blaming the admins for something you don’t like - if that’s not your intent, then what is ?
I think many unintended consequences occurred from the defederation, and this situation is an excellent tangible example of that.
I don’t think it was unintended in the sense that the admins didn’t expect these consequences. At least to me, on their posts they seem very aware that what they’re doing is very damaging, but they were stuck with choosing between the lesser of two evils, and they choose what was going to keep them more sane for now.
I mean yes it is a consequence of beehaw’s actions. Those actions were justified though and the consequences mild considering how easy it is to view a community without being logged in.
I’m not sure why you’re so defensive about it, but ok?
Im not being defensive. I’m agreeing with you but adding context for other people. It’s legitimately consequences of beehaw’s actions. Those actions have a valid reason though.
Your post is specifically worded/presented in a way to illicit a reaction from people, which you got. So it’s fair for me to qualify my answer when I agree with you.
Yes this is the better link to not provide traffic to reddit.
Lol I clicked the link and reddit showed
This community has not been reviewed and might contain content inappropriate for certain viewers. View in the Reddit app to continue.
With the only two options being
continue in the app
ortake me home
Yup. Same here.
That’s hilarious!
If you edit the URL and remove everything before and the change it to you can view it without the app
I can’t follow this logic of Reddit’s. Ohh, a community hasn’t been reviewed to ensure it’s safe? Oh, a community is NSFW? Gee golly, if you’re on a mobile phone you’ll have to use our app to look at it! We can’t have that open to the internet (unless you’re on desktop then you’re all good, until we make an official desktop app)
It’s just their excuse to make you use their shitty app
Sync was my preferred app. Will pay money again for a lemmy version
Agreed, and it will be well worth it.
I’m a Relay man myself, but Sync was a close second. Can’t wait for the Lemmy version of it.
As someone who paid for Sync Pro, I would gladly pay the developer again for a Lemmy app. I just hope /u/ljdawson won’t opt for a “subscription” based app.
100%. The few bucks I spent on Sync Pro were some of the best dollars I’ve spent.
Very exciting! Jerboa is nice but it’s always great to have alternatives.
How’s Sync compared to Reddit Is Fun? I’ve never used the former
Sync was my favorite reddit app personally, its not the most similar to RIF though. As far as I understand RIF was more like Sync utilizes a lot of modern UI choices but the layout has always been really nice and has had amazing customization
Not like RIF, more modern space wasting with the ‘card’ approach. Although I’m not sure about customisation, I just remember trying it and it had the same design ‘flaws’ every other had until I stumbled into RIF, which was perfect.
Would love a RIF-like app.
Sync was very big on customizability, so it did have the options to make your view incredibly compact as well. By default, it was always set to follow very closely with Google’s design language, but you could get something very similar to the density of RIF as well.
Did it have the option to swipe between posts instead of needing to click on each one? It was a basic feature of the official reddit app that I’m surprised more 3rd party apps didn’t emulate. Joey was the only android app that I found that had it
An option for a left to right swipe that goes through all posts on a subreddit one by one with a big media-centric post view? I haven’t used the official app, but if that’s what you’re looking for, it does! I can’t think of a single way to view reddit that Sync didn’t have support for.
Sweet, that’s exactly what I’m looking for. Sync will almost definitely be my goto for lemmy then, once it’s a thing.
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Yep, used compact view the whole time I used sync and it was perfect! chef’s kiss
That is pretty good to be fair, I’d settle for that, but RIF’s compact is still superior for me.
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Kind of a wash - I’ve always been a RiF devotee. I might have rejected Sync if it wasn’t compact enough, or I didn’t realize it could be set that way - I’ve always placed a premium on cramming the most info onto a screen as I can. Which is why I was drawn to /. and then reddit, and can’t stand FB etc.
Jerboa in List mode looks like Sync
Pro comment here, I always liked the compact content view and was wondering how to change it. This should hold me over until sync is out !
So much so that I assumed it was the inspiration.
That’s my favorite reddit client. I was hoping someone would do a similar client for Lemmy. This is great news, I’d totally buy a paid version of Sync for Lemmy just to support the developer.
Wow, tried to view it on my mobile and just got a pop up from reddit saying it’s unreviewed content and I should be careful, ONLY giving me the options either to leave or download the official reddit app to view it.
What a fucking shit show.
If- redditisfun was ported to use lemmy- the circle of life would be completed.
The circle of lif.
I misread your message and just saw “redditisfun was ported to Lemmy” and got very excited for a very short time.
hoping for baconreader, personally or search ! in your instance.Edit: Official community modded by Ljdawson himself is: ! Unfortunate for beehaw users.
yeah, this is why I have a beehaw account and a LW one for the moment…
I haven’t been able to subscribe to any community hosted by for quite awhile. When I click subscribe it just says subscription pending. I figured it was because of their server load at first, but since it’s still happening I’m not so sure. Anybody else having this issue?
excellent, subscribed
If you want to follow from kbin go to
Also you can use my browser extension and just click on the icon: sure how great that will work as it’s not showing anything posted by anyone from and since ljdawson is a account you wont see any of the posts made by him…
That is unfortunate. We’ll have to repost stuff here then.
I’m out of the loop, why is it unfortunate? I’m guessing it was defederated for some reason.
this has been my reddit app for over a decade!!! this just made my entire day!!