My last day as an apprentice is the 30th. I have to report to the dealership on the 4th of September in JB. I just learned this yesterday.
Talk about short notice huh? 🫠
Hey but the journey hasn’t started yet so why I’m already complaining.
Dang, from KV straight to JB. But on the bright side, you’re one step closer to earning that sing dollar
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗAre you based in JB originally? Or they just send you there randomly?
Not from there, there isn’t an official body and paint workshop there (just some contractors who can do small work), either they want to be certified by MB (just a rumor) or just want someone technical that can diagnose.
I’m still not sure what I’ll be I’m doing there tbh
You would think being next to Singapore they might have a very complete workshop there.
Could be very stonks if they take in Singaporean customers
God I hate it when lecturers ask what your parents working as in the intro/ice breaking. What does it matter. Just treat everyone nicely and equally.
I know they do this so they’ll know who’s the kid with the rich powerful parents before they start with their bullshit.
meanwhile me, whose both parents are teachers: 😒
Please give some feedback here for the community post scheduling UI if you have some time! 🙏
My Sunday is coming and I an dreading about it
Ahh, why so?
Thank god it’s
It’s fried egg fried egg, gonna get down on fried egg
That’s a very photogenic egg
Hi do you guys remember how photos and files were transferred between phones in the earlier days? Like late 2000s?
Before Bluetooth came along there was another technology? I can’t remember the name and google is of no help.
Wait yes I think it’s this one! Thanks!
The same protocol as our remote controls?! Wow
idk if it’s the same protocol lol, i know that we used to prefer that for some reason over bluetooth.
gosh i missed older phones, back when phones were like 6XX not like 6XXX
@dukeGR4 @MonyetBot SyncML. But you’re probably thinking of early 2000s or late 90s, by late 2000s Bluetooth is commonplace.
There was another method of transferring tho, basically that was the preferred method. And it’s not SyncML afaik
Some reason Bluetooth wasn’t too reliable.
Fukushima wastewater is now in the oceans 😨 are you keeping a close eye on food imported from Japan?
According to Tepco test results released on Thursday, that water contained about up to 63 becquerels of tritium per litre, below the World Health Organization drinking water limit of 10,000 becquerels per litre.
From Reuter. Should be nothing compared to the microplastic and harmful shit people discharge into the air and water.
food imported from Japan
can’t afford radiation poisoning if you can’t afford taps head
it’s approved by the international radioactive organisation or sth like that… should be ok.
I didn’t pay that much attention because a lot of it felt political (in both valid - Japan has been known to not be transparent about its post-fukushima data - and invalid - China framing it as an anti-Japan issue in its media - ways) but fwiw:
“Scientists have pointed out that China’s own nuclear power plants release wastewater with higher levels of tritium than that found in Fukushima’s discharge, and that the levels are all within boundaries not considered to be harmful to human health.”
So liddat la… Though I’ve been to Tohoku region post-tsunami and ate the foods all, so I’ll check in with y’all la in a couple more decades kot…
Scientists have pointed out that China’s own nuclear power plants release wastewater with higher levels of tritium than that found in Fukushima’s discharge, and that the levels are all within boundaries not considered to be harmful to human health."
Of course China is trying to say people do shit when they do even worse shit.