Greetings all.
How are you
got free coffee so crisis averted for another day
free coffee is always good!
Laying off coffee been having insomnia due to stress lol.
Found RM10 this morning. Will sedekah
ohh, will it sedekah to me? lol jk
Already sedekah some to blind buskers, and a blind lady selling tissue. Wait tomorrow, I’ll sedekah the rest.
thumbs up
Gave out all!
Just now saw a little girl coming out from the car while hugging a cat like how kid will hug their teddy bear, and the cat’s expression is basically “this is my life meow”, so cute 🤣
Oh dear… do you guys still remember the Wagner Rebellion in Russia?
Putin allegedly kill the leader Yevgeny Prigozhin by shooting down the plane as it was leaving Moscow.
Damn, he fell off of something higher than any window.
Why is there still no Caesar (or for local history nerds, Sultan Mahmud) moment yet?
you can’t have a Caesar moment if you kill everyone that hates you lol.
Live by the sword, die by one.
Just another gangster kill another one.
“Behold the field in which I grow my fucks. Lay thine eyes upon it and thou shalt see that it is barren.”
“The more you fuck around the more you gonna find out”
Had very spicy food yesterday I’m just finding out in the toilet rn 😭
The in is not the problem, it is the out.
“Spicy food is the only food you got to taste twice.” – A certain uncle wearing orange polo shirt
Worth it? Worth it.
You just need to get used to it :P
i hate how the mouth can take it, stomach and ass couldn’t lol
That is so me haha. When I came back to Subang my mouth could handle it but my stomach was on fire lmao. But I’ve gotten used to it again after a while.
Lai, Chili Pan Mee for lunch tomorrow. A classic with a piquant ‘spice’
Hahahaha, I can actually handle that quite well :P
Dang, stomach of iron and tongue of leather right here
I’m still not as good as two of my friends though. They can literally tank any level of spiciness and still don’t feel anything XD while I enjoy super spicy stuff it’s not like I don’t feel anything at all
Thoughts about Indian moon landing?
I think it’s ok to dream and it’s definitely a good source of inspiration for many people, but shouldn’t their money be spent on tackling poverty?
It’s by far the poorest country to have ever sent anything into the space. Unless they could somehow come up with ways to capitalise on their space expertise such as private launches etc I don’t see how it could help the poor people there much.
In general expenditure for space exploration (or big ticket stuff) is usually a red herring in conversations about poverty eradication. In part because there’s the 1:1 fallacy in administration (tau tau a significant part is state authorities and their taxation revenue) but also in terms of dividends down the line. For sure you can critique the priorities on a matter of principle but it’s not like USA was evenly and uniformly rich during their space race years (racial segregation pun was still ongoing apatah lagi how native Americans were actively experiencing cultural genocide).
What is interesting is the long-term impact to their ICT and technical R&D industries. Like it or not, one of their demographical time bomb was having a highly educated middle class and coming with no real pathway to a career outside the service sector and/or migration. Will this be enough of a pull factor? NASA is still operating in Florida because equatorial advantage despite the politics being so shit; many expats would still continue to work in China if they weren’t being discouraged to do so. Speaking of China, having manufacturing hubs like Shenzen arguably contributed to improved economic conditions and India has an even younger and dynamic population who may take all the science and engineering they’re learning formally and informally and do something. The fact that a lot of space-oriented tech has come back to earth such as it is, and entered civilian life in good ways can’t be overstated (titanium and lighter metals = better designed tools and prosthesis for the old and the disabled; better water filtration; carbon dioxide filtration), so imagine what can happen if much of this can be done on a global south economic budget.
In any case, if I want to be genuinely concerned I would think about the fueling needs of such a sector and the fact that both India and Pakistan are nuclear-owning countries 😌 but I remain always hopeful whenever any genie is out of the bottle when it comes to common folk having the access to improve themselves and change the overall condition.
Specifically on technical innovation, a quote:
TBH if anything I don’t want to see this be captured by private sector/the rich. Unless they want to do like that submersible lah… 😌
ETA: lol I guess selalu kena justify:
India is weird, everything is so polarised over there. On one hand they have a few people who’s in the 50 world richest person, on the other hand their poor is so extreme it’s hard to imagine. They have space exploration program yet they don’t even have the will to explore and fix the issue in North India. It’s the schrodinger country.
I think it’s ok to dream and it’s definitely a good source of inspiration for many people, but shouldn’t their money be spent on tackling poverty?
I don’t know much about India other than its really crowded over there and the food is good- but with the over crowding, yeah they should probably focus on spending money on poverty.
some guy’s lowballing me on fb marketplace for so many days already, i got pissed off and just deleted the listing.
now look who’s coming back to me.
damn maybe i should send this to him, annoying af this fella.
haggled it down from 550 to 500, then 400. sanineh