I’m on a Seinfeld kick. It’s my show I just keep coming back to
I’ve been rewatching and binging Whose Line Is It Anyway (the U.S. version). I forgot what a masterpiece this show was. It’s an all time classic forsure!
Anyone else love this show or have any others they’d recommend?
I LOVE that show, dude. No other show is guaranteed to make me giggle for 20 minutes straight. Colin Mochrie and Ryan Stiles are comedic geniuses.
I’m watching Barry right now. I had to take a break from it though. Too stressful.
simple, it’s community and bojack for me
Community is one of the greatest of all time.
No lie. Gilligan’s Island.
Wife and I are working through scrubs again for maybe the 10th time. Rarely has a bad episode.
Such a good show. Very rare for a show to have a really good solid 8 seasons, you usually start to see a decline in quality after season 4.
Season 9 was a spinoff and doesn’t count. You will never convince me otherwise!
What season nine? 🤐
Twin Peaks, watching it for the first time, great atmosphere
Fucking hell, you lucky bastard. I’d love to watch Twin Peaks for the first time again. So good.
I started watching succession recently and I can’t stop watching these rich assholes
I love to hate them. Toms my favorite hands down.
Just finishing up Stargate: Universe. What a trip!
I’m rewatching Frasier for the nth time
I’ve just started watching Neon Genesis: Evangelion. 3 episodes in and I’m pretty confused why this is so highly regarded… I’ll watch a little more but if the quality continues like this I’ll just stop.
definitely not everyones cup of tea, it’s controversial for a reason. I still suggest people who aren’t getting into it to try to stick with it, because the payoff of watching the final episodes (which were famously so hated it led to death threats), followed immediately buy the end of evangelion film is worth it for the insanity of it all.
if you aren’t deeply into it and theorycrafting your way through it by episode 5 or so then you probably aren’t going to enjoy the rest. it does ramp up the crazy as it goes on but mostly it leaves things up to the viewer to come up with their own meaning of what it all means, which wont work for some.
If it doesn’t click, put it aside for a while then maybe try again by going down the path of the rebuild movies which are an alternate, condensed retelling that tends to be more accessible.
How’d it go?
I’m not into anime but that was on my “one of the greats so you have to watch it” list.
I haven’t given up on it yet. My issue is that 90% of the anime so far is angst and melodrama. In my experience 90% of all anime is angst and melodrama so it shouldn’t be surprising, but people talk so highly about Evangelion saying it’s this transcendent experience and it’s just generic mecha anime so far. Except maybe with a dash more soft pedophilia.
Soft pedophilia?!
erases off to be watched
I had a few friends who non stop talked about it. Finally watched it, same reaction as you.
The quality is actually going to tank near the end. They lost their budget and went off the deep end story wise.
The Wire. I always noticed new things when I re-watch.
I’m working through Star Trek, watched TNG and DS9 and on Voyager now. I’ve always been aware of it but somehow never realized how good it is! Which is nice because now I feel like I discovered a treasure trove, there are so many shows and movies.
Voyager was my fav. Janeway’s so awesome.
I’m not generally a podcast person, but I’m listening to this https://maximumfun.org/podcasts/greatest-generation/ mainly as a way to relive voyager nostalgia
Currently Third Watch, but the next I’m gonna rewatch is ER.
God I loved ER it’s amazing
All my family used to watch ER since I was very little (actually before I was even born), so it’s like a huge throwback for me
I had never saw it, shocking I know, but my wife got me to watch it and it’s hands down the best show of that genre I think!
Oh man, I remember that show. I watched it while I was doing emt training,lol. It was fun!
I just started season 3 and it’s still good. Plenty of post 9/11 rethorics, but still enjoyable