I find this mildly infuriating, I only use Windows for work, I even personally purchased Windows 11. Local account and disabled as much as I could. I personally do not like Windows or Windows in general.
Well, now I do an update and they throw this up like I need to walk thru these steps (again). Not even a “Skip”/“Don’t remind me again”. Windows is not what it used to be and after disabling half the Microsoft stuff I’d expect not to be bothered again. It’s really a built in ad more then anything.
2023-08 Cumulative Update Preview for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5029351)
Remind me in 3 days. That shit should be against the law. There should be a don’t bug me ever again option.
That’s actually a good thing IMO, Microsoft is giving people more reasons to switch to Linux. How kind of them!
It would not help. They just buy a Chromebook instead because there are no other alternatives in the shop. It would be a different story if the thing when you start the new computer get a guide to choose your OS to use. Even better if Android was the same. EU should force this IMO.
I always laugh that the option not to get Microsoft 365 is just “Stay Basic”
That means Microsoft 365 is an acid. Because avoiding acids is how you stay basic.
Windows is nagware now. Microsoft dared to imagine an entire OS on the Winrar model.
Its actually worse than that. I PAID for Windows. If I paid for WinRAR they would stop.
Well WinRAR only nags you when you use it, unlike windows that is always running and almost always nagging.
If you stop using Windows, it also stops nagging you.
I have but for this PC, and only due to game pass not working nice on Linux (I like to play games with old friends far away)
Windows is bullshit
That pops up on every feature update on win11. But you’re on the preview channel which is known to push and test experimental features. I’d suggest you unenroll your device if stuff like more ads for 365 or missing features for testing purposes bug you. Microsoft even regularly roll out one feature for a percentage of testers and take it away from the rest, just to see what happens.
When it asks for an account just use a@a.a
The most infuriating thing about windows to me is the big stupid fucking red X on every single file, reminding me that I’m not currently storing my shit on someone else’s computer. Is there a way to remove that service from my computer entirely?
We can bitch all we want but their dollars still go up
Im going to bat for Microsoft here, coming from someone who uses both for work+home.
How many tech enthusiast/pcgamers are paying customers of Microsoft? I’d bet that most of us are using grey market OEM keys or reusing a license we’ve had upgraded from a previous install.
Communities like ours love to harpe on about how 95% of people are not bothered by the invasiveness of the telemetry and advertising, yet those are the very same people that are likely subscribing to Office365, not changing their default browser from Edge, and not installing an adblocker.
These are, in a sense, the “paying customer” to whom any profit driven company would be trying to improve experience of. Setting up cloud backup, signing in to your PC with your phone, using an online account are all good things from a general user perspective. I’d bet they have the telemetry to back this up.
I wish MS would release a SKU which was targeted towards the tech enthusiast, but how would they make that profitable? Not to mention I think a lot of us have a few fundamental misunderstandings on the current situation, some examples;
- Telemetry is essential to modern software development, people don’t submit enough bug reports and nor should they be expected to for things like device drivers.
- The store/store apps is a better delivery model for software than going to a website to grab the setup.exe. It enforces standardisation, simplifies the process for devs to push updates and isolates user applications from the underlying operating system.
- Even these days you can configure Windows to not include a lot of the stuff people complain about if you’re ok with Powershell. At one point in time, being a power user in Windows for both home and work was just about knowing where the GUI buttons are. Now it is about being comfortable in a command line.
I need to purge myself after all that corporate shilling.
The Univ and College where I work are forcing every students and staff to use Office 365, and the MS authentificator app for 2fa. They pay millions every years to Microsoft for this, plus the thousand of licences for windows, etc.
Why in the world would you defend that greedy unethtical corporation that now incorporate advertisment directly in windows and keep pushing more and more of their products with every forced update. They make millions only with schools in my provinces.
Install. Linux.
Yes, install Linux, yes, it’s better, yes, it’s a little different, but yes, you will like it better.
Bloat ware? Gone. Antivirus shit? Gone. Spyware? Gone. Reboots for bullshit reasons? Gone. Forced updates? Gone.
Yeah, but it’s so complicated and games don’t work because there are no drivers!
Bullshit. Drivers exist now for just a out everything and most drivers are put of the box, not like windows requiring installs. Most of not all games now work.
But I needy software X!
Many, not all, but MANY software packages out there have open source equivalents that many times are equal or better than what you’re using. If not that, Wine will allow you to run a huge amount of windows software transparently on Linux. YMMV of course but “I need software x!” barely has been an excuse anymore for using windows.
Did I mention it’s actually free, no piracy involved (though if that is your thing, lots of software available for that too)
Windows sucks. Microsoft software in general sucks. Microsoft platforms suck (looking at you there, outlook, teams, office, and SharePoint, oh my frigging god what pieces of shit you are)
Sure, backup is not something you can skip, but the others: Yes. And the backup option should show other alternatives like Veeam, otherwise they are abusing their position in the market and be banned from EU.
Yes, they dont respect the user choose either. Thinking it is their computer.
Shifting to Linux is a solution but not for everyone. Like IT only support Windows computers to minimize cost.
Me at home: If only I could pay someone to build as smooth fonts on Linux as it is on Windows in the web browser by default. Only when websites use fully custom fonts they look good. But default with new Times roman get unusual small or big without truetype etc. Also many applications in the Linux world have poor UI due to poor funding. Result is no designer and gigantic hit area for button due to too far between the buttons.
I’m not entirely sure what you’re talking about but your typical Linux UI tends to look enormously better than windows, beauty being in the eye of the beholder of course.
The way you talk it sounds like you saw Linux 20 years ago and figured it still is stuck there. I have a 3D multi monitor desktop with all the bling you can imagine. Much of it is just that, bling, and I mostly use it to convince people that Linux is awesome (come for the bling, stay for the actual real awesomeness) bit seriously, typical Linux looks SO much better than windows… try KDE desktop, for example.
The thing that really rubs me the wrong way about all this is we pay for Windows, I have 3 licenses for Windows 11 and it’s gotten so annoying that I don’t even use them anymore. I’ve been a Linux user for quite a while already and between Microsoft’s doing more and more data collection, and more ads, I just walked away from it a couple years ago. Fortunately, I was in a position where I could do so. I feel bad for folks that must use Windows for this or that and can’t escape it.
You just have to pick your poison. Windows is easy to use. I don’t want a walled garden ios machine, nor do I want to spend 2 hours on a forum trying to troubleshoot every little thing on Linux.