Yes, I know browser bookmarks exist. But there must be some native functionality that I keep just not noticing - right?
Kbin doesn’t currently support saving.
I bookmark things for now on my local browser. Afaik, the feature is in the to do list so I’ll save what I can from from the bookmarks manually once that’s done.If you upvote a post it will put it in your Favorites. You can access favorites by hovering over the hamburger menu just to the left of your username in the top right corner. To upvote without putting it in your favorites, you can use boost instead. This is essentially how you save posts on kbin.
Yes but on reddit, upvotes puts something in your upvoted list and you can save selectively, which is a much better system for organization.
Boosts and upvotes have a slightly different functionality here that I do upvote and/or boost posts and comments differently, none of which is to add the post to my favorites. Even though it can be used that way for the same effect, it’s a different use case.
What if I want to save a post I didn’t want to boost or favorite? Should I not be able to save a comment I disagree with that I also downvoted?
That’s a fair point that I didn’t consider - saving something you’ve downvoted. It’s not something I’ve ever done and it didn’t even cross my mind. You’re right that there isn’t a specific save function, and the Favorites feature is limited in this case. Also the boosts button in my profile is broken (gives me an error) so I can’t keep track of what I’ve boosted, currently.
Having a separate space that isn’t tied to either of this would be more ideal. I’ve mostly been using upvotes sparingly, and boosts more liberally, in order to keep my Favorites clean. I understand boosting ties a thread publicly to my username so there may be things you’d want to upvote but not have associated with you to the general public, but in that case your Favorites would get messy.
I just upvote/like the content, then it comes up on my profile. Same with boosts, comments, etc.
wait, what does the boost do?
Boost is not the same. A boost is like a retweet. It’s public and anyone following you will see it in their feed.
While that’s true it still works as a sort of save button since you can see all the comments and posts you boosted easily in your profile, just as if you’d saved them. If you don’t have any followers (or you don’t mind sharing content you want to save with your followers) using the boost button as a work around until we get a save feature isn’t a bad idea.
FWIW, Boosting does more than pushing posts out to followers. It also re-sends it to the community group actor, which sends it out again to everyone subscribed.
You know how you can’t see content on remote communities from before someone on your instance subscribed to it? Well, boosting content makes it “new” again, allowing newer subscribers to see older posts and comments.
This is why upvotes were mapped to boosts, not favourites, on kbin originally. To help with content propagation.
Additionally, my understanding from another discussion is that, right now, Boost will affect the reputation score of the Boosted author’s account, while upvote will not. So there’s that to consider also.
That shouldn’t be on anyone’s mind, really. Except ernest’s. He’s aware of the issue, and will rectify it sooner or later, but currently reputation doesn’t do anything.
Yep, I really just wanted to point out that it’s public, for those that aren’t aware.
The way I’ve been using them:
Upvote: “I think that this is a good, useful comment in the context of this discussion”
Boost: “Holy cow, more people should hear about this in the broader world”
Not sure that that’s right, but seems reasonable.
@runningfromreddit I think this functionality may be missing right now. I’ve been boosting everything that I find save-worthy. I can see everything I’ve boosted from my profile.
I know it’s not the best answer ever, but fyi we do have this on Lemmy so if it’s a super important feature to you there’s always that option.
deleted by creator
Ok so Kbin and Lemmy are two different softwares. My server,, runs on the Lemmy software and yours, runs on Kbin. On Lemmy, discussion groups are called “communities” and on Kbin they’re basically the same thing but are called “magazines”.
Luckily with my Lemmy account I can still subscribe to Kbin magazines like the one we’re chatting in right now, and you can subscribe to Lemmy communities, and they’ll show up in our respective feeds along with everything else.
I can only speak to how things look from the Lemmy side for obvious reasons, but if I hover over your username it shows me that you’re
Most of the time it doesn’t matter which platform the person you’re talking to is actually using, but obviously when we get into discussion of platform-specific features like this it makes sense to check and avoid giving anyone info for the wrong platform of the two.
Hope that makes sense, it sounds longwinded and confusing when you type it out but it’s pretty easy to get used to :)
(also welcome!)
Lemmy and Kbin are separate pieces of software. Kbin instances integrate with Lemmy instances.
To see where people are posting from, click there name to go to their profile and look at the portion after the @ sign.
No worries, it’s a valid suggestion!
I just upvote/like the content, then it comes up on my profile. Same with boosts, comments, etc.
I’ve been searching for this functionality on kbin as well, but I don’t think it’s implemented yet. JustinFTL’s recommendation to boost stuff is not private, while usually the saved items are.
Upvoting isn’t private either, you can scroll to the bottom of any post on kbin and see a list of everyone who has “favourited” a post. All of your own also get collected to
This is likely unintentional. Kbin used to have a separate favorite button and no boost button, when you did an upvote it logged it as a boost. When it Federated with Lemmy this meant upvotes from Kbin went nowhere, and Lemmy upvotes showed as favorites. They changed the behavior and swapped them in Kbin but maybe forgot to change over (or remove) the public “favorites”.
Upvoting can’t be private (how would you know what others have upvoted), but saving should be private.
Serverside not the way it’s implemented I’d imagine, no, but there is no need to have it displayed so prominently on the UI for the users - it isn’t on Lemmy for example.
Though it’s more understandable if you think of the implemention more like Twitter/Mastodon likes rather than Reddit upvotes, but as a Reddit refugee, it just feels weird to me personally.
I use Jerboa but I have 🔖 looking button underneath each post and comment that I can click to save and on the browser (at least for it’s a ⭐ symbol
Dunno which operating sys you are using but using Lemmy with Jerboa app (android) I can bookmark posts and comments.
I’m just accessing via desktop browser. I’ll check the apps though thank you!
My rudimentary solution is to share the page to
I use the Joblin webclipper to send it to my notes. There is no bookmarks or saving on the websites yet. You could copy the URL (below every comment “more”…), and then paste it into Mastodon and bookmark it there. I prefer all my bookmarks and notes in Joplin though.
Added: example - adding the “more” URL to Fediverse into the search of my Mastodon app and bookmarking it
A man after my own heart - Joplin is my weapon of choice too so I save pretty much everything into Joplin
@runningfromreddit I know that it is not intended for it… but I boost it. Usually they deserve the boost then it is not a big issue.