It was formerly the “accepted” idea that the world has been divided from time immemorial into inferior and superior races,
into blacks and whites, of whom the former are unfit for civilization and are doomed to be objects of exploitation, while
the latter are the only bearers of civilization, whose mission it is to exploit the former.
That legend must now be regarded as shattered and discarded. One of the most important results of the October Revolution is
that it dealt that legend a mortal blow, by demonstrating in practice that the liberated non-European peoples, drawn into the
channel of Soviet development, are not one whit less capable of promoting a really progressive culture and a really progressive civilization than are the European peoples.
It was formerly the “accepted” idea that the only method of liberating the oppressed peoples is the method of bourgeois
nationalism, the method of nations drawing apart from one another, the method of disuniting nations, the method of
intensifying national enmity among the labouring masses of the various nations.
That legend must now be regarded as refuted. One of the most important results of the October Revolution is that it dealt
that legend a mortal blow, by demonstrating in practice the possibility and expediency of the
proletarian, internationalist method of liberating the oppressed peoples, as the only correct method; by demonstrating in
practice the possibility and expediency of a fraternal union of the workers and peasants of the most diverse nations based on
the principles of voluntariness and internationalism. The existence of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which is the
prototype of the future integration of the working people of all countries into a single world economic system, cannot but
serve as direct proof of this.
The era of tranquil exploitation and oppression of the colonies and dependent countries has passed away.
The era of liberating revolutions in the colonies and dependent countries, the era of the awakening of the proletariat in
those countries, the era of its hegemony in the revolution, has
Eventually this last century up to however long it takes for the final capitalist country to end will be regarded and taught as the era of capitalist conflict and socialist transition, with the ussr being the pivotal first socialist state, it may have failed but it ultimately taught necessary lessons that have helped others succeed while leaving a permanent demonstration in history of just what socialism can do in terms of development and progressive standards for its people.
—Stalin, The International Character Of the October Revolution, 1927
Eventually this last century up to however long it takes for the final capitalist country to end will be regarded and taught as the era of capitalist conflict and socialist transition, with the ussr being the pivotal first socialist state, it may have failed but it ultimately taught necessary lessons that have helped others succeed while leaving a permanent demonstration in history of just what socialism can do in terms of development and progressive standards for its people.
That history curriculum is going to be rad.
I thought this was parenti until about halfway through
Hot damn.
Makes me want to cross-stitch it on a tapestry & hang it on my wall.