The order also explicitly limits Trump’s ability to attack witnesses or his co-defendants, including on social media.
Feels a bit ridiculous.
Even low-balling Trump’s supposed wealth, that’s like setting bond for the average person at $7.50.
Bail should be based on flight risk and nothing else. Imagine if he hopped on a jet to Russia tomorrow what kind of a shit show that would turn into.
That’d be fuckin great imo. I’m sure a good chunk of his cult would follow him there, so their votes would quit impeding progress here; and you KNOW Trump would eventually say something to piss off the Kremlin and get hit ass thrown out the 10th floor window of some shitty hotel.
That’s like a win-win-win.
So another $200k deducted from his re-election donations then.
Bond is only 10%
So, what happens if he violates the gag order? Can they lock him up or is just a pithy fine?
He hasn’t got in any trouble yet for violating gag orders. I’m not hopeful about justice being served this time around.
The judge has every right to revoke bail and lock him up if he breaks those terms. I’m not betting any money on that actually happening, but if the law were applied equally he’d be denied bail and in prison until trial already.
If he violates the bond terms, they can throw him right into jail.
Keep in mind, you only have to post 10% to get out, so $20K.
What’s $20K to him if he skates?
Isn’t the full amount posted by somebody? And if you leave the bondsman can find you and take you to the cops?
Don vs Dog the bounty hunter would be a battle of the bad haircuts
Yeah I’d be curious to see what happens if he skips, because he has Secret Service protection for the rest of his life.
The Secret Service has an obligation to protect him, but they’re also federal officers. Would they protect him from the bounty hunters? Would they rat him out? Would they act as the bounty hunters and drag him back to the courthouse against his will?
It also raises questions about a potential conviction. If he gets convicted, will the Secret Service simply post extra guards specifically for his (isolated) prison cell? They’d probably want to try and outsource it to the prison directly, but then you run into the issue of having a person who still has Top Secret clearance and has proven to be irresponsible with it being guarded by people who don’t have that clearance. The Secret Service would probably need to clear several of their members and post them there as guards, simply to prevent Don from blabbing national secrets to anyone who will listen. Basically, limit his contact to only people who also have clearance.
Regardless, I’d pay good money to get a livestream of the bounty hunters taking Don down.
Talking our of my butt, but it would be worth it to either put him is ADX, or build a new prison just for him.
I have a feeling Dog wouldn’t take him in and they would just hang out at the back of Da Kine
That’s like fucking nothing to the mega rich like Trump.
The fact that we have a two-tiered justice system couldn’t be more obvious than a rich white politician getting slapped on the wrist despite leading an insurrection against American democracy while poor black men are killed in the street by militant cops for literally no reason. Gross on so many levels.
This isn’t a slap on the wrist punishment, this is the bond to not be held in jail pending trial.
But it’s still wildly unfair. Imagine getting a $10k bond, you either need $10k cash you can part with temporarily (assuming you show up and are innocent) or far more likely you need to pay $1k to a bondsman that you won’t get back. Someone living paycheck to paycheck might not have the savings and so they either pay a poor tax or spend some time in jail.
But for the rich, they always have the funds, or someone willing to loan it for a lot less than 10-15%. And it’s rarely set high enough to be a significant deterrent.
Illinois just became the first state to eliminate cash bail, because you’re either a flight/violation risk or you’re not, money shouldn’t tip the scale.
That’s only if you get a bondsman to pay the rest of it. Knowing trump, anyone in their right mind wouldn’t put 180k of their own money down thinkimg the fat idiot won’t run his mouth and violate the terms of his bond.
But then again, if they were in their right minds, they wouldn’t support him.
If you use a surety bondsman, you pay 10-15%, you don’t get that back in any case. If you have the cash to pay the bond and don’t plan on violating the terms, you’d put it up yourself.
That said, like most insurances, you have to find someone that’s willing to accept the risk, and if the terms really include “don’t attack people on social media” you’d have to be the dumbest person in the world to put that up for him.
Traitor cunt.
I like Presidents who don’t have a bail bondsman
But I like this ex-president having one :)
I want to see Dog the Bounty Hunter chasing him down.
Sounds like a good porno.
If he gets arrested later when he surrenders, beside a mugshot, do they also weigh Trump? Measure his height?
There’s not enough zeros there.
Wait does this mean we get mug shots today?