How the U.S. government came to rely on the tech billionaire—and is now struggling to rein him in.
On the phone, Musk said that he was looking at his laptop and could see “the entire war unfolding” through a map of Starlink activity. “This was, like, three minutes before he said, ‘Well, I had this great conversation with Putin,’ ” the senior defense official told me. “And we were, like, ‘Oh, dear, this is not good.’ ”
It’s like the Elon India Tea Company. Strange to think we’ve got so many individuals that rival any sort of elected officials and that our government is becoming aware of this. Elon in particular seems to have the US over several barrels, space, battlefield communications, recharge stations, and now Twitter and AI possibly from the bottom of a k hole.
Wild, also: I forget how good the New Yorker is. That whole article was fascinating. I feel like I learned a lot and it was interesting. problem with this one I guess
How can we call our system a democracy when one unelected man can hold so much power?
Then the question everyone should ask him on Twitter/X is… “Are you an agent of foreign principal?”
Boy if only the pentagon had a way to deal with rogue actors, I wonder what they’re in charge of
Sounds like the octagon didnt get it done, so we might as well give another shape a try.
of course Saruman called Sauron
So he is… breaking the US law.