Celebrities such as James Dean can be brought back to life thanks to artificial intelligence, but it is raising troubling questions about what rights any of us have after we die.
[James] Dean has been cast as the star in a new, upcoming movie called Back to Eden.
Damn, I wonder if people will have to include something in their wills against their likeness being used like this. Imagine your descendents selling the rights to your likeness and it being used to promote views you disagree with, capitalising on the reputation you had before your death.
Damn, I wonder if people will have to include something in their wills against their likeness being used like this. Imagine your descendents selling the rights to your likeness and it being used to promote views you disagree with, capitalising on the reputation you had before your death.
According to the articles, even putting something specific in your will won’t actually prevent it under the current laws.