ITT: folks who think Linux is too complicated or whatever, but are perfectly willing to jump through endless hoops to work around some of Windows’ deliberate hostility.
The Stockholm syndrome is real.
In my experience Linux usually has many more hoops…
: folks who think Linux is too complicated or whatever, but are perfectly willing to jump through endless hoops to work around some of Windows’ deliberate hostility.
Man I realised this when I found myself running a third party program just to get my audio to simultaneously play out of multiple outputs on windows. I had regular issues with games and my killer ethernet adapter (they’re notoriously bad, but after switching to linux didn’t have any issues). Reformatting for home was getting longer and longer. Start menu search started to become slow and bogged down. Windows store was a nightmare. It was a constant battle to remove all the advertising and tracking “features”. I game, but mostly a PC for me is a tool. When a tool stops doing its job, it gets replaced.
Funnily, when I play games with my friends, I rarely have issues… but as soon as I do, they they’re pretty quick to jump down my throat about my OS of choice.
I actually like to be able to play games on my gaming PC so no thanks, I will stay with windows
folks who think Linux is too complicated or whatever
At one point this was true, but that was many years ago.
Unfortunately, that reputation has kind of stuck.
TLDR: Windows is now the bloatware.
Windows is getting shittier and shittier each version. Using a MacOS, even with all its flaws it’s such a clean experience compared to it.
Windows : making Linux better by comparison!
Maybe thanks to Windows being so shit, Linux will have its year soon
Yeah, I remember XP and Seven as solid OSes where everything just worked.
Now it’s a mix of crap, hey this app is in night mode, this one isn’t! Want to change a parameter? Ha ha you can’t! You want to share a folder? Good luck!
And it’s heuristics/analysis just because Windows is inherently insecure drags any pc down to a crawl…
And publicity??!
Edit: can I run my old CS3 Photoshop in wine or something? And 3dstudio without crazy lags? If so I’ll stop using windows completely.
When choosing the region/language, choose “English (World)”. Boom, bloatware be gone.
You can safely change it to your correct region once you’ve logged in (Note: the Windows Store won’t work until you do).
the Windows Store won’t work until you do
So just never do it. Noted.
I told my company I’m not using windows 11 and I refuse to update my laptop. I told them the day their babysitter DRM software forces my work laptop to switch over is the day I bring in my personal laptop from home that runs linux.
My boss thinks I’m bluffing but I’m not. What will be interesting is to see if they force me to use it or not. I’m allowed to use it when I work from home so I don’t see an issue bringing it into the office for the same purpose.
Also I have a really good relationship with my management team so a lot of this is pretty light hearted. One of them told the new girl not to ask me to fix her computer because I’ll probably install linux on it 😅
Your work sounds like it has no IT Security department and no HR department
This will help get rid of some of the bloat. I run this on every w11 install I do.