So due to recent developments, are we still allowed to post and discuss tech-related topics? Or is the goal of this community now one of shitposting on LMG, given the recent name and banner changes?
The recent post on stubby screwdrivers was locked before even giving other people the opportunity to share their own thoughts on alternative brands that are specific to their country. As much as Linus and LMG fucked up, really sad to see this community degrading down a path of hatred (even if justified, based on community name change , banner, etc), instead of chatting about what we all love: technology, independent of the situation at LMG.
Really hate seeing a community with so much promise (especially as a Reddit alternative) getting destroyed.
I find comparison discussions important to choosing a product as it allows us to assess and evaluate what makes a good product, and purchase the best available product for our own needs.
If we find that a product fits our needs, who cares what brand it is? I’m not a fan of Google, but the pixel series seems to be the best device available for me.
If an LTT bag suits someone’s needs for school, then get it.
Eh, that’s sort of muddy water. There’s still value in supporting something that you believe in, and putting your money where your mouth is. It’s easy to argue that by buying a company’s product, you’re actively supporting their business practices, shitty or not. So it kind of depends on whether you care about their practices that much.
Normal statistical distribution will most likely point to varying degrees and levels of care for those practices, and regardless where anyone sits on that distribution graph, all those points of views are perfectly okay to have.
Edit: people really hate the reality of stats and math huh. So much for pushing science forward.
I don’t think anyone has a problem with the stats, wherever they came from. They have a problem with the last sentence you added, which is
That’s not science, that’s your opinion.
So that implies that the degrees of care a given person may have is purely binary then? Just yes or no?
What if a person cares about unethical business practices, but are swimming in debt, which forces them to put priorities elsewhere? The world is rarely black and white.
Well then you forgot that piece of context in your comment, didn’t you 😂
I already said it depends on whether you care about their practices that much, so no of course it’s not binary.
But no one here is talking about poverty, especially since the OP in question was about a $60 screwdriver then a $250 backpack, both of which are definitely not what people should buy if they’re swimming in debt.