Republican men seem massively troubled about their masculinity — and that’s literally causing death and suffering
One thing I’ve learned is that if you have to announce something about yourself, and announce it loudly and repeatedly, it’s very much not true.
I’ve been told drinking coffee with cream or sugar isn’t manly which I find funny, like who cares? We all have taste buds dude. IMO a “real” man isn’t concerned about what others think, he is comfortable being himself.
I drink black coffee because I have a problem. Not because I’m trying to get +1 to my role in society
Imagine being so sensitive a little bit of lightness in your coffee is enough of a devaluation to your manhood to make it a thing 😫
Know what’s manly? Doing whatever the fuck you want.
Pretty much I think the only person who’s opinion you should care about is your significant other you’re going for. Literally who cares about anyone else’s opinions lol, they aren’t a part of your life.
(Alpha Male)
I’m not sure about that. You may just be in an oppressive environment, like with trans people and their pronouns.
Hypermasculinity’s “oppressors” include flowers, rainbows, other people choosing to wear dresses, a functioning government, and welfare.
Trans folks oppressors are the hypermasculine.
I’m not saying any specific group of people are always oppressed, just that if they are your previous statement is incorrect.
I understand your point. It’s just good to highlight the things that make these groups oppressed. For the hypermasculine it’s anything that hurts their little feelings, and for trans people it is actual real persecution. And only one of these groups goes around screaming about the victim complex these days 🙄
If you’re pointing out imperfections in the argument, then you’re automatically a radical example of the other side. /S
In this context, the definition is being an asshole to others and getting away with it.
I know this goes a bit off from the article (I skimmed). But I think a lot of this toxic masculinity comes from decades of media on what a American man should be.
They need to be strong, independent, smart (sometimes), ingenious, a natural leader, angry at the “system”, can shoot any gun with perfection, solve most all problems with a gun or a fist fight, never show any type of remorse or trauma from their violent “solutions”, muscular, always get the girl, only drink brown liquors or beer, never bend, never negotiate, always win, and can walk away from an explosion without flinching.
This shit has been around since the 1940’s and it still in use today. It used to be the Lone Ranger, Superman, batman. Then it was the strong independent cowboy taking on the “savages”, The 70’s it was Charles Bronson and Clint Eastwood taking on the Gangs of the inner cities. The 80’s and 90’s were Rambo and terminator, the 2000’s with Mission Impossible, Jason Borne, John Wick. And James Bond all through out. Just to name a few
Not to take away from the entertainment of these movies and characters but I see lot’s of men that take these fictional characters and try to make it their personality. But reality doesn’t work that way. They can’t go shoot your problems away. Hot women just don’t fall leg spread for these guys (which makes them angrier). AND some men don’t want to be this unrealistic version of an American man. Which for some reason pisses off those men that do want it…
Seems to be a big deal when you start talking guns and mental health, but with all the fixations on “mass shootings”, they lose this little stat:
“In 2021, the most recent year for which complete data is available, 48,830 people died from gun-related injuries in the U.S., according to the CDC. That figure includes gun murders and gun suicides, along with three less common types of gun-related deaths tracked by the CDC: those that were accidental, those that involved law enforcement and those whose circumstances could not be determined.”
54% of those deaths were suicides. 26,368.
(43% murder, 3% “other”, accidents, etc.)
Also in 2021, 38,358 men committed suicide compared to 9,825 women.
3.9:1, if almost 4x more women than men were dying for any reason, it would be a national crisis. “Something would have to be done!”
Mental health for men? Silence.
You were doing so well until you tried the “People care so much more about women’s health! Pity me!” line.
Strange how Viagra is required to be covered by all insurance but birth control isn’t. Whose priorities are privileged there?
It’s not about pitying me, it’s about pitying the state of men in general, where, if the genders were reversed, it would be considered a national crisis.
For example:
Key stats:
“Women became the majority demographic to attend college decades ago, and today, they make up almost 60% of U.S. college undergraduates.”
(between 2017 and 2022) “male enrollment at 4-year public institutions has dropped nearly 6% more than women, according to the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. Among all student demographics in this sector, white men experienced the sharpest decline in enrollment, falling nearly 20%.”
“The rate at which men are graduating from 4-year institutions is 6% less than that of women, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.”
“The Class of 2023 reported that while 68% of young men want to go to college, only 57% expect to actually attend. On the other hand, 83% of young women want to go to college, and 77% expect to go.”
“In 2021, the average life expectancy was 73.2 years for men and 79.1 years for women.”
None of this is incorrect.
But I have been hearing about this plenty. For example, in the article we are discussing.
People aren’t silent about men successfully committing suicide at a higher rate to women. You hear about it all the time. However, it isn’t an issue about men being overlooked, like you imply. Women attempt suicide at a higher rate. Why didn’t you discuss that? Is it being ignored?
The fact of the matter is suicide by firearm is the worst offender. Attempted suicide needs to be prevented for everyone equally, but firearm ownership should be more restricted, and there should also be tools out there to get your firearms away from you temporarily if you’re feeling suicidal or depressed. Men are more likely to own firearms, which is the issue that needs addressing to fix the disparity, not men being ignored.
Then any old asshole could just lie and say their neighbor or family member or spouse is suicidal, and disarm them. Abusers absolutely will exploit that to subjugate their victims.
And it’s not really moral to say those men shouldn’t be allowed to kill themselves if they want anyway. Do people have self-ownership or not? Yes or no?
It’s so irritating that left-of-center publications always go all-in on anti-gun sentiment, while believing that a police state is going to save people. News flash: it won’t. Cops don’t care about you and have no responsibility to do anything to help you, or to prevent violence against you. Cops are often the ones involved in protecting the people on the right that use violence to suppress people on the left.
For fucks sake, we literally saw a full year of violence by police against peaceful BLM protestors that just want to stop extrajudicial police killings; we caw cops turn protests into riots, and then use the riots as their excuse for using more violence.
I reject their authoritarian leanings, in the same way that I reject the authoritarian bullshit from Republicans.
I run a bakery and helped a lady with a cake for her husband. She was constantly asking me if these were masculine enough colors and designs lol. I tricked them with trans pride colors. Worrying about your masculinity is one of the least masculine things you can do.
Well, hopefully you didn’t get her beaten by an abusive spouse.
IMO, the focus should be on being a good person and not on conforming to unrealistic gender stereotypes. One’s gender presentation (or lack) is enhanced by universal positive attributes like honesty, confidence, commitment, charity, etc. This is not an original idea, but thought it worth saying.
America, not even once.
We all suffer from the right’s mental health crisis
It’s plain retarded calling conservatives the right.
Should call em the wrong.
I like calling stuff by their name. Retarded it is.