Saw a comrade post this as a response in the Mousolini dunk thread, that become a dunk thread on an annoying lib calling us tankies lol.
Thought this was really insightful, and from a different angle than what i usually see as the rascist connotations of “tankie” and of western left anti-communism, and thought it deserved its own thread. Particularly, since the influx of western anti-cummunist takes we’ve been dealing with recently.
Not just MLs, anarchists are being hit with it, too
Tankie is when you feed homeless people vegan food and throw Christmas ornaments filled with sand, paint, and paint thinner at pigs. Not-tankie is when you watch a Twitch stream of a pedo and vote every two years.
Is that particular combination special?
Yeah, I’m a tankie

More info has arrived. In a shocking turn of events, the liberals are just making shit up.
damn, user name checks out