Saw a comrade post this as a response in the Mousolini dunk thread, that become a dunk thread on an annoying lib calling us tankies lol.
Thought this was really insightful, and from a different angle than what i usually see as the rascist connotations of “tankie” and of western left anti-communism, and thought it deserved its own thread. Particularly, since the influx of western anti-cummunist takes we’ve been dealing with recently.
‘Tankie’ has been somewhat effective in that its associated Marxists with right wing Russian nationalists and weirdo online cults like ‘maga-communism’. This doesn’t matter because reddit doesn’t matter, but if it somehow makes the jump to mainstream consciousness it could potentially be damaging. With increasing crises and declining living standards more people are going to be looking for alternative narratives to the one liberals offer. If Marxism is associated with social conservatism in particular, most people won’t give it a second look.
The hammer and sickle already is