This song does such a good job with communicating the conservaive trinity:
- persecution complex
- mad about things they themselves voted for
- mad that the other is getting something, which is obviously undeserved
In his interviews he claims he is a centrist but takes issues with teachers turning girls into boys and boys into girls.
That’s because a lot of Americans are under the impression that poor people are poor because they’re lazy, and not because they’re victims of oppression. They even cling to this absurd belief when they themselves are the victims of similar oppression. Must be lead in the water or something…
I’ve lived in very poor, rural, white American places, and it’s unironically all about skin color.
White and poor? It’s because the Democrats illegally steal your money with taxes, and any welfare is just you getting back less than you deserve.
Black and poor? It’s because you’re bad, and any welfare is the Democrats buying your vote and supporting you destroying the country with your violence.
It’s an outcome of puritanical Protestantism in the modern day. It’s nicknamed prosperity theology. Lack of wealth is seen as a moral failure, rather than a societal one. To be wealthy is to be granted abundance by God, and to be poor is to be punished for misdeeds in the eyes of God. It’s a cruel ideal that is deeply embedded into right wing American religious spaces.
Someone here mentioned this dude lives in a camper as somehow proof of his working class bona fides. Yeah…he lives on 90 acres of land that he wants to build a farm on and raise livestock. Doesn’t exactly scream “working class.”
Not that it matters. He could’ve written this song sitting down at the bottom of a mine at the end of his shift right before he was diagnosed with black lung and it still would’ve been a shitty racist song.
Also has anyone looked into how this shit got so popular? At least Jason Aldean is a known guy so it makes sense that song got popular, but with all the talk of industry plants this Oliver Anthony guy feels extremely sus. Especially for some nobody living off the grid somewhere in the middle of Virginia
Yeah…he lives on 90 acres of land that he wants to build a farm on and raise livestock. Doesn’t exactly scream “working class.”
I mean props to them for using the well documented “equating farmer (owns land) with farmer (does farm work)”, it does usually trick people
not only this, but I think most of the people moved by this song are middle class anyway, and they don’t view owning property as any sort of privilege. I’ve already gotten one guy going “well actually the bank technically owns it and he’s paying it off.” Like bruh, have you ever talked to an actual poor person?
Rocking up the working class bank to get a loan for a 90 acre property
nah, i hear if you tell them you’ve never worked a day in your life and plan to suck the teat of the state forever, they’ll just give you a -1000% loan with a one cent down payment
and then you can just get your 90 acres.
remember, it’s the homeless who are the real landlords.
Absolutely a plant. Nashville has been an arm of conservative propaganda since at least 9/11.
honestly I’m still shocked people are buying into Reagan’s welfare queen nonsense 40+ fucking years later
Step 1 to believing welfare queen nonsense: Be racist and imagine said queen as being black
You could be mad at both… why is this a black and white issue? EBT abuse is real.
I have seen people literally sell the milk they get from EBT that was intended to be used for their baby. They bragged about being able to get the new iphone with it. I have seen homeless who buy bottled water on SNAP only to dump and resell the bottles so they could get cash for their addictions. Why would i not be mad at that just as I am at how corporate bailouts didnt help anyone except the top .01% of society?
“Yeah, rich people take orders of magnitudes more money from society in order to reinvest it in very concretely destroying society further, but did you consider that someone who was over-prescribed opiods as part of a deliberate campaign by the Sacklers also take up money coping with the addiction they ended up with?”
Fuck off
Why would i not be mad at that just as I am at how corporate bailouts didnt help anyone except the top .01% of society?
Scale. The amount that the capitalists steal from you is orders of magnitude larger than whatever infinitesimal amount of tax dollars (well, more accurately, cents) you lose because an unhoused person used a loophole to buy drugs. Personally I can’t even imagine being angry at the two people you mentioned. Nor is there a realistic way to prevent those things that wouldn’t punish the 99% of people who just use EBT to buy food like its intended.
(I also really don’t care if people find a way to use EBT money to buy something else in general. Like I can’t think of a single reason to be bothered by that. And I life off EBT and only ever use it the “correct” way.)
Ah yes someone selling a few dollars of milk is definitely the same as a corporation stealing millions. Ah yes. These two are the same.
I have seen homeless who buy bottled water on SNAP only to dump and resell the bottles so they could get cash for their addictions.
If you’re going to lie, why make up the most nonsensical lie imaginable?
I’ve seen this first hand a good few times - believe me or not because I don’t want to be too specific about my experience. You’ve got to be super desperate to pour out a 40 count of bottled water for $2-4, but people with nothing else but SNAP/EBT/etc funds will do it.
It’s sad and wasteful, but it’s also such a marginal thing compared to the Sacklers making the opium wars look like a prank that I don’t see how it can even brought up in the same conversation - except as deflection.
I’ve seen no shortage of people reselling water bottles with water in them (common especially in places with lots of tourists) but just selling the fucking bottles?
If you live in a state with a bottle deposit. The $0.05-0.10 is paid with the government aid, but returned as cash to the redeemer. It’s a poor and laborious return on investment, but doesn’t require actually hustling to sell water like that to tourists.
They saw a captioned video on the TikTok and actually believed it
Surely it’s a bit, LMAO. How is that something that could even be witnessed? Where is the open air empt water bottle market even located? :data-laughing:
wow, I can’t believe someone would commit moral failures such as buying an iphone. the absolute outrage.
sounds like people shouldn’t be impoverished. that’s the conclusion you should be drawing, not this moral crusader thing of looking down your nose at impoverished people. If poor people are doing things you find distasteful, why not focus your energy on the people who create and spread poverty in the first place? and no, that’s not poor people. It’s the capitalists and their servants in the state
I have seen people literally sell the milk they get from EBT that was intended to be used for their baby. They bragged about being able to get the new iphone with it.
No you haven’t.
Idk man, just seems like small potatoes, and rare. Everyone has to eat and I find it doubtful that the skinny EBT amounts will fund an addict’s lifestyle significantly if the food is resold on the secondary market.
“The homeless people were on the streets making welfare fraud and I saw one of the welfare frauds and the welfare fraud looked at me.”
If you are more angry against some poor people addicted to opioids than you are against the billionaire oligarchs who made their money off of addicting millions of people to opioids… you might have a severe case of myopia.
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It’s pretty funny that the expectation on any man who picks up a guitar these days is not that he has a decent voice to go with, it’s that his political ideology is “correct” and cohesive and that he makes sure to convey the entire thing in a 4 minute song.
The people getting their knickers in twist over this song are lost.
I don’t think that’s what this is about. I don’t have that kind of expectation of musicians. But if a musician chooses to sing about being a chud i think they should get dunked on
What is a chud?
Sorry, I’m used to people familiar with our lingo. But, a guy who’s angry about “welfare queens” is a pretty good example. Fascists, conservatives, rascists, xenophobes, right-wingers, homophobes,
etc. are chuds. If any comrades have a better definition I’ll defer to that, but this is how I’d describe it off the top of my head
“Why don’t people want to listen to my racist song?”
Also the song sucks
Number 1 on Apple Music US and Global top 100 charts, but yeah - your opinion is the correct one, it’s everyone else that is wrong.
I think racism is wrong. Don’t you?
Sure. Exactly which part of “Rich men North of Richmond” did you find racist?
They’re dogwhistles. The parts about “the obese milkin welfare” and “taxes not ought to pay for your bags of fudge rounds.” Literally just Reagan era welfare queen rhetoric. If you don’t recognize those as racist dogwhistles you’ve been living under a rock for at least 40 years.
But even if you don’t see the dogwhistles I hope you can understand how the song is punching down on poor people
It’s punching down on fat, lazy people, and I’m ok with that.
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