I found it complicated at first (didn’t know which instance “will last”, where to register to not lose anything when instance admin decide to turn it down), but now it’s going good. We are missing mobile apps though.

What’s are your thoughts about Lemmy/kbin?

  • Ozymati@lemmy.nz
    2 years ago

    Don’t reuse passwords, 2fa email, etc.

    But really how different is trusting some guy with a server from trusting some corporation with a server farm?

    • Sirquacksalot@lemmy.ca
      2 years ago

      Very, actually. A large corporation has the resources and staff to properly secure and maintain (both physically and digitally) their servers vs the decentralized nature where you don’t know who is hosting it, or where. A large corporation can be held accountable for any data breeches or security issues, and are more able to report and respond quickly and properly to any security incidents. Individually run/maintained servers can vary greatly in technical support knowledge, hardware capabilities and security, and resources available to maintain the service.

      That’s even assuming the best in people and that those people running the servers are operating in good faith and not actively working to use peoples data for nefarious purposes. At least if a corporation is found to be acting in bad faith, they can be held accountable by some kind of regulatory body.

      • Ozymati@lemmy.nz
        2 years ago

        I dunno. I trust corps about as far as I can throw them - they’re not human or sentient and they’ll happily ruin you if it increases their profits by more than the amount they’ll pay in fines.

    • Sirquacksalot@lemmy.world
      2 years ago

      Honestly, very. A large corporation has the resources to properly secure both physically and digitally their servers, keep up-to date in security threats and deal with them in a timely manner. If they don’t, they can be held accountable for any data breeches or improper storage. Plus, ALL the servers of that corporation are secured to the same standard.

      A bunch of dudes running servers in their basements has none of that, and their resources for managing/running/securing those servers vary greatly between them, and may even vary and change often depending on the server.

      So yes, I trust a properly staffed/supported data farm vs individuals anyday in terms of security.

      And that even starts off on the assumption that everyone running a server at all is aware of and concerned with securing the server and data properly, let alone bad actors who might actively try and subvert data integrity laws for their own gain.