Up to version 0.0.31-alpha, the sole contributor for almost every release was @dessalines@lemmy.ml. In 0.0.32-alpha, 5 new contributors (@a1studmuffin, @Anna-log7, @oscarnylander, @russjr08, @twizmwazin) joined and contributed an additional 12 changes.
I can’t wait for version 0.0.33-alpha and up, to see all the future improvements to the app. :) \o/
I am putting $50-200 usd bug bounties on specific github issues, I am also considering doing a flat 1k donation too. If you wanna make some money while feeling good about it, go squash some bugs. ❤️
Wow, noiiice. I’m nowhere near proefficient enough with Kotlin/JetPack that it would be worth it for me to contribute for the bounties, but this will not be the case for everyone.
Thanks for doing this, your behavior is exemplary, this is the way. If the public starts paying for public software, we might actually stand a chance.
Note: this gave me an idea. There should be a software license like BSD, but with a clause stating that if a public software ever goes proprietary, any private personal sponsors (I.e. not organizations, governments, or any entity that isn’t a single person contributing their own money) should get their money back, plus interest, or retain a partial ownership of the exploitation rights on the software IP. That would potentially help people get funded, while preventing companies from baltantly ripping out BSD-license software and alikes without ever paying anything back to the creators.
Edit: about squashing bugs, I (hopefully) fixed #421, but I cannot say with certainty as I definitely do not have enough experience in android dev. I’m posting this here to eventually get users to confirm they currently get the buggy behavior, so I can ask again after 0.0.33-alpha goes out, to confirm this has been squashed. Yes, I’m doing QA the Microsoft way. 😅
I would write a longer reply but I’m pretty tired. If this #421 bug is fixed in the next release I’m happy to pay you the $50 in monero. Just reply to me with it here or put it in your github bio
Keep your money bruh. I tested it again, it’s not fixed. I guess I can’t blindly fix stuff without testing it. At least, when I eventually will have fixed it, it will be worth 50 bucks. If nothing else, as a course in Kotlin development. 😭
Thanks to all contributors!
Yeah, I can’t wait to see what the future contributions bring. It’s really amazing to see open source software getting traction. Let’s also not forget @dessalines, who still published 31 revisions alone ;)
Let’s agree that Dessalines is just a chad. Maintains lemmy. Maintains jerboa. Maintains thumbkey. Big respect.
Did I miss the boat on “Chad” becoming a compliment? Lol