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That’s so many kids growing up without married parents, and not even counting the ones that will divorce during their lifetime.
I’m not religious or anything, but I worry about the stability of these households and what kind of life these kids will have.
Exactly, it’s way better to have parents stay together in stable, forced marital bondage and hate each other more and more every day like god intended.
Sure, dad cheats on mom, sometimes even beats her, and mom is secretly a depressive alcoholic, but separation would be superduper bad for the child!
Why are so many people marrying people they hate? Isn’t that the real problem?
A lot of the time because they get pregnant and it’s not socially acceptable where they live to have a kid by someone you’re not married to.
They don’t marry people they hate, they just grow apart and since marriage forces them to stay together, they’re essentially trapped with a person they don’t want to be in a relationship with anymore.
A normal couple would simply break up, but divorce is much harder.
Which is the real problem.
You know people can live happily together without being married right? Marriage is not a indicator of a stable household. Also many couples are in a civil union after the kid is born.
Also guess which country UNICEF says where the children are the happiest and is the best place to raise kids? It ain’t Turkey or Belarus. It’s the Netherlands. All those Dutch bastards live very happy lives.
Not sure if they meant strictly marriage or civil partnership. Also you can’t claim causal relationship here (not being married implies happier kids), many other confounding factors are at play, like Econ development. Plus don’t forget that some of the happiest countries also have some of the highest suicide rates.
Exactly. The person above made the reverse causal claim that kids born in unmarried families will be miserable. There is no direct correlation.
I wonder if there is any research about the relationship between full families and kids’ development
Btw, love your user name!
You don’t have to be married to have a strong relationship or a stable household to raise a family.
In France (at least), there are different couple statuses recognized, one of them is Marriage, but another that is common nowadays is “PACS” (some kind of non-religious recognized union between two persons), that PACS accounts (since 2019) for around half of all unions of French couple (whatever the sex of both by the way)
The data may not count for these others kind of recognized unions, and only account for that Catholic union
Actually, I don’t know well, but I’m not even sure that Marriage is for all religions, there may be people “married” according to their religion, but not technically Married according to catholic/state rules
Well the legend of the map says “% of live births outside marriage or civil partnership”.
The map yes, but the data source not really
For France again, only information is that the percentage is sourced “From Civil Status”, and I don’t know if this “Civil status” account for marriage only or others unions also. Only source I’ve found on Insee (French civil status public data) accounts only for civil Marriage, and not for other unions:
This is just births. There’s no commentary on whether or not these parents get married after a child is born, but I’m willing to bet a fair percentage of them do. Also, just being unmarried isn’t an indicator of having two separate households. There are people in stable, monogamous relationships who never get married.
Marriage is not an indicator of a good childhood. Its better not to grow up in the presence of constant parental arguments and drama. Not to mentiom the emotional drain and loss of sleep or worse, timely happy moments missed because of a baf dad or mom is not worth saving marriages.
Marriage is just a social structure. Just because a couple isn’t married doesn’t mean they don’t have a stable household.
It usually does.
Because, as we all know, marriage magically ensures a happy, well functioning household.
A society of broken homes, it’s a Brave New World, my friend.
Way more broken homes in Belarus than in Iceland.