And we shouldn’t allow this concept to go unchallenged here on Lemmy.
Commenting on an active post is not brigading
Posting a link to something is not brigading
Commenting on something you were linked to is not brigading
The only thing that might be brigading, but isn’t because it isn’t a real thing, is someone explicitly going, “Hey everyone, go here and harass this person”
It’s all fine and good that we have some new rules to keep the peace with other instances but we must fight against
In retrospect, it’s funny how the liberals on were haughtily saying “This may have been a tankie space once, but we will overwhelm them eventually and make it clear that they aren’t welcome here” and then Hexbear comes in and they shit themselves.
they thought the reddit wave would be bigger but it turns out redditors like feeling smug more than actually leaving the corporate walled garden. so they aren’t thaaat big and a good % of those who did come here are at least vaguely leftist. That plus hexbear=no more unchallenged “ebil seeseepee” type circlejerks
we have literally spent hours talking about thought terminating cliches, ready to fight them
yeah redditors are used to not having their ideas challenged
whereas ours have been honed by a thousand struggle sessions
good-faith discussions are so rare nowadays on reddit that a lot of them don’t even know what it means
Literally every dog pile I have seen has been some nerd talking shit, a chapo or 2 posting in good faith, the nerd says something extra stupid… nerd gets dog piled.
you see, when I call you a Chinese bot, or fake Russian names I’m being a very reasonable discussion partner
when you call me out for being a weird racist it’s brigading, trolling, 4chan, and the type of behavior that needs to be defederated from
Death to Russia = non-political
also weird that one is a country full of people and the other is an aggressive military alliance, If one died a whole lot of normal people would die, plus some war criminals
if Nato died it’d just be dead war criminals
dead war criminals
Ahem, I believe you mean “People of NATO”
Usually its 2-3 chapos calling someone a dipshit lib for posting a bad take, and then someone comes along with an nice effortpost an hour or so later.
Like, i approve of it, people get too used to not being called a dipshit. But newgangs first posters on the scene usually come in hot.
But newgangs first posters on the scene usually come in hot.
New gang has been advised to tell you to talk to our lawyer.
Usually its 2-3 chapos calling someone a dipshit lib for posting a bad take, and then someone comes along with an nice effortpost an hour or so later.
The ol’ one-two
It implies there are outside agitators coming in to disrupt a community.
But like.
The only “rule” for joining a community is to come inside. As soon as they post, they’re not outside anymore.
The only “rule” for joining a community is to come inside.
Volcel police.
outside agitators
not coincidentally, a phrase with a long history of anticommunism and reactionary dismissal of working class concerns
It’s extremely weird. Like I’m just commenting on what appears on my all page, how is that brigading? It’s literally a feature of the website.
Counterpoint: I’m a huge baby.
Didn’t think of that one, did ya, pinko!?
Liberals are used to games with rigged rules (“”“International Rules Based Order”""🙄) and when the playing field is level it feels to them like everyone else is suddenly cheating
That’s how the most of the internet works. The site admins of whatever community impose hegemonic rules about acceptable discourse and then purge everything outside that. It’s how we work, it’s just that we got rid of all the bigots and shitheads. In a normal community a landlord runs the instance, bans everyone who wants to shoot landlords, and tolerates bigots as long as they don’t literally say the N word too many times in a row. Here the hegemony is flipped on it’s head - Any kind of bigotry gets you banned fast, and you can actually name names when talking about why society sucks without having to pretend this isn’t a knife fight to the death.
Brigading is when leftists are the most active posters and the more terminally online they are the more brigading it is.
Wait till the realization sinks in that this is just the normal, organic amount of engagement they get from us because we’re by far the most active lemmy instance
Never Log Off Gang
I do not log off, I make my enemies log off -The guy from Struggle Session idk it’s been years since I listened
People have been saying for years “soon, they will stop soon”
And I just say See you in 3 more years, let us know what you think
Never stop
As with all internet spaces, eventually Hexbear will grow old and die. And hopefully like a half a dozen even worse communities will grow from the corpse.
Even the reddit admins themselves tried to back away from this. They eventually realised that people sharing links to reddit posts is not a bad thing, and wanted more of it.
The only reason they continued to crack down on it is that there is a historical cultural legacy that was incorrectly fostered around it on the site.
Also because of things like r/cth posing a problem to them
Yeah, it’s like drugs. Everyone uses them, but if you keep them nominally illegal you can target enforcement against communities you want to destroy.
I’m sure all my BearBuddies (just threw up in my mouth) know this banger, but for all my FederatedFriends dropping in, this was actually the rationale behind the War on Drugs:
“The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people,” former Nixon domestic policy chief John Ehrlichman told Harper’s writer Dan Baum for the April cover story published Tuesday.
“You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin. And then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities,” Ehrlichman said. “We could arrest their leaders. raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”
That last section is one of many reasons we fly the
flag here.
“The 1994 alleged ‘quote’ we saw repeated in social media for the first time today does not square with what we know of our father. And collectively, that spans over 185 years of time with him,” the Ehrlichman family wrote. “We do not subscribe to the alleged racist point of view that this writer now implies 22 years following the so-called interview of John and 16 years following our father’s death, when dad can no longer respond. None of us have raised our kids that way, and that’s because we were not raised that way.”
Doofuses. It’d be racism if he actually believed it. The quote pretty specifically says he knew it was bullshit and did it for political reasons.
Folks really haven’t grasped that federation means it’s not “your community” anymore, you’re basically a subreddit now, with all the horrors that entails.
They’re really crushing this speed run.
“Were creating a decentralized space where different opinions and people can all interact with each other to whatever extent the users want”
“Hey why are there people here saying that Biden isn’t the savior of the working class, clearly this is harassment”
It vibes strongly with the “outside agitator” discourse that always shows up during mass protests. “Surely our wonderful posters would never dunk on me, it must be outsiders coming in to persecute me!”
It’s 1865 and “outside Agitators” are riling up minorities
It’s 1965 and “outside agitators” are riling up minorities
It’s 1991 and “outside agitators” are riling up minorities
It’s 2020 and “outside agitators” are riling up minorities
I tire of these Democrats. I tire of their dissembling
The liberals are welcome to come in here and “brigade” us as well. We won’t complain. We’ll just dunk.
And probably get accused of brigading our own threads or something.
i press all i press active yep it’s brigading time
Brigading is a bullshit Redditism. For everywhere else, they’re called raids and raids are a reality of Internet life. Even Twitter has a daily main character where people dogpile on someone with a particularly shitty take. If you don’t want to deal with raids, you can always join the winning team.
deleted by creator
Libs cry bc we are too good at posting
Just post a screenshot of the thread on top of your active feed next time someone accuses us of brigading
“Crossposting to an instance I don’t like is brigading” and other things libs believe. Brigading as a word is as meaningless as libs calling us tankies. Brigading just means “someone I don’t like saw my post”
It’s all premised on the idea that liberal thoughts are the only valid ones and multiple anti-liberals must be doing something fishy because what other reason could there be?
We’re just simply postmogging
celeste posting? On my hexbear?