Logical solution to this is to wait until your kid grows up a little bit and stops crying for no fucking reason. You can still travel with your toddler if you really want to, but use your own car. I don’t get the reason to take a kid this young, to travel with you, since he’s not going to remember anything anyway
I live in Norway. It’s my constitutional right to have 5 weeks of paid holiday a year (excluding public holidays) whether or not I have children. Driving isn’t viable as it would take several days just to get to a ferry that leaves Norway. Crying children are a part of flying, get used to it.
Yeah ok I’ll just fucking have my kids put down at the vet before I go on holiday! Get a fucking grip!
Were you forced to have kids at gunpoint?
Logical solution to this is to wait until your kid grows up a little bit and stops crying for no fucking reason. You can still travel with your toddler if you really want to, but use your own car. I don’t get the reason to take a kid this young, to travel with you, since he’s not going to remember anything anyway
I live in Norway. It’s my constitutional right to have 5 weeks of paid holiday a year (excluding public holidays) whether or not I have children. Driving isn’t viable as it would take several days just to get to a ferry that leaves Norway. Crying children are a part of flying, get used to it.
Doesn’t mean you have to fly somewhere for a simple holiday.
don’t go on holiday if you have cum pets. You chose that when you couldn’t keep it in your pants.
You think you’re more deserving of a holiday just because you’re shooting blanks?
i stay quiet and read my book and don’t annoy the entire plane/train/bus.
Do you want a medal?
Don’t be overdramatic. You’re allowed to travel but you’ve gotta accept that no one’s happy to see you.
Honestly? You should.