whoops no this is UC Davis in 2011. the cop pepper spraying these nonviolent student protestors filed for worker’s compensation claiming “psychiatric damage” due to having his name released and won more than $38k USD in compensation.
whoops no this is UC Davis in 2011. the cop pepper spraying these nonviolent student protestors filed for worker’s compensation claiming “psychiatric damage” due to having his name released and won more than $38k USD in compensation.
You get a well-cited post (including a QiaoCollective masterpost with tons of sources) and come back with this thought-terminating garbage? I’ll engage, and then provide more specific sources…
Your “source” (it doesn’t even approach this) is based on, 1984 an anti-semitic pile of garbage written by a Hitlerite colonial cop. Let’s see the evidence: Lutz creates contradictions where they are none (“nobody was killed” is not something anybody says, people were killed in outer areas but not in Tiananmen Square (mayor of Beijing (Chen Xitong) stated in a public report in the same year that “According to the information we have so far gathered, more than 3,000 civilians were wounded and over 200, including 36 college students, died during the riot” (not in Tiananmen Square though as this was evacuated). There isn’t really a piece of evidence or any convincing arguments in the post except for the “martyred soldier” quote, which I copied and google searched to find that the only results were this same article, so that’s out the window. Just terrible work.
Hou Dejian, a Taiwanese national and one of the leaders of the Tiananmen protests, saying he was in the square all night and saw no one killed](https://youtu.be/VSR9zgY1QgU)
Confidential Cable from U.S. embassy in Beijing showing US knew there was no firing in the square
There Was No “Tiananmen Square Massacre” - CBS News*
Turmoil in China; Tiananmen Crackdown: Student’s Account Questioned on Major Points - NYT
“Tankman” Actual Footage
Massacre? What Massacre?
Why does it matter whether the deaths occurred in surrounding areas? 1: It puts a wrench in the Western narrative immediately 2: It strongly suggests that the fight was not a “massacre” but a battle between opposing groups, in which PLA soldiers were burned alive and hung [Content Warning] by CIA-supported and duped protestors (hardly invoking the idea of a massacre)
OP also linked video of police running over protestors in the U.S., which we just learned didn’t happen in Tiananmen Square. There is no equivalence, and this is not a good thing for your position. Now I know you won’t be able to refute any of the sources I linked (judging by the fact that you called a well-sourced thread addressing your exact complaints “astroturfing” because you’re completely incapable of even coming close to a good point), so go ahead with your snarky response. Nobody here is falling for it.