I’ll never forgive them for destroying Sun
Oracle stands for “One Raging Asshole Called Larry Ellison”
Wow, this is a really low-effort meme.
i mine monero on their servers
Oracle doesn’t have customers, it has hostages.
This is an enemy of my enemy case.
It makes sense to trust Oracle in this instance as they stand to lose if IBM has sole control over enterprise Linux.
However, remember that as soon as the profit motive is gone, Oracle’s support will also vanish.
They destroy everything they touch…
I am only happy for the damaged they made to MySQL popularity. ;-)
Which one do you prefer then? Choose carefully.
Never again. Twice I’ve been at fast-growing startups that went with Oracle, and both times it was the worst mistake the business made.
What happened?
It’s not difficult to guess: they got EA’d. IBM’d. FaceBook’d. Their startup got bought up, hollowed out, and dissolved. All in the name of killing off competition and padding staff rolls.