@suuuoppp: To stop the speculation and DM's I am receiving. I chose to quit my role at LTT because it, and the working environment I was facing, were ruining my mental health. The number of daily items...…
This sounds like the ramblings of someone lacking certain mental faculties. "I purposefully cut my leg open so badly I would have to go to the ER to get it stapled back together. " What? What?
This sounds like the ramblings of someone lacking certain mental faculties. "I purposefully cut my leg open so badly I would have to go to the ER to get it stapled back together. " What? What?
You have the empathy of a pebble.
Great value add. Did you have any input or just here to assert your domineering intelligence? Back to reddit, maybe?
This sounds like the ramblings of someone lacking certain [“domineering intelligence”].
No, for real, I insulted you, because you did not show any motivation to understand how self-harm works and what Madison R. meant.