Discuss on the forum: https://linustechtips.com/topic/1526561-what-do-we-do-now/► GET MERCH: https://lttstore.com► GET EXCLUSIVE CONTENT ON FLOATPLANE: http...
On the Floatplane thing, I am a bit worried for DankPods, who put a lot of backing into Floatplane after he got screwed over by Twitch. This whole thing might have some collateral damage towards the other creators on there, including him. Was considering subscribing to Floatplane for him and his drum streams before this.
Gonna pop the ThreadReader link here for those who don’t want to log into Twitter: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1691693740254228741.html
On the Floatplane thing, I am a bit worried for DankPods, who put a lot of backing into Floatplane after he got screwed over by Twitch. This whole thing might have some collateral damage towards the other creators on there, including him. Was considering subscribing to Floatplane for him and his drum streams before this.