
Right now if you search for “country in Africa that starts with the letter K”:

  • DuckDuckGo will link to an alphabetical list of countries in Africa which includes Kenya.

  • Google, as the first hit, links to a ChatGPT transcript where it claims that there are none, and summarizes to say the same.

This is because ChatGPT at some point ingested this popular joke:

“There are no countries in Africa that start with K.” “What about Kenya?” “Kenya suck deez nuts?”

Google Search is over.

  • meseek
    2 years ago

    I’ve been using DDG for ages now and tested it against Google a handful of times over that course.

    They were nearly identical in search returns. Bing, Yahoo, etc have all caught up to where search just isn’t a thing anymore. Not like how it used to be when Google first dropped and was light years ahead.

    And not for nothing but Google has been caught exploiting their search results so not sure if I’d be looking to them as the shining beacon they once were.