Too large, corporate burdens. Ltt needs to slow down. Quantity over quality not cool.
I couldn’t believe the story about the water block.
“we did what we did because no matter what the temps are, we thought it was so expensive that none of our viewers should come away from this video wanting to buy it”
That whole video, and the follow-up, were incredible. I used to trust LTT quite a bit, but after the video, I’ve just chunks of respect for LTT. Dunno if i can ever trust them.
Same. Has LTT responded yet?
I will say this, and some may consider this my hot take; I feel like Linus needs to step back from responding to community feedback as well. I get that it’s his company and he probably feels responsibility to respond, but he does not respond well to criticism. The biggest tell on how his employees feel was Luke’s face during the video. It was obvious even without him saying anything that he knew the hot take response was not going to turn out well. These situations are part of being a CEO not an owner and Linus needs to show that he trusts the new CEO enough to respond accordingly. Linus continues to handle this problem in the exact wrong manner when he shouldn’t be handling it at all m
Feels like the ADHD (and maybe autism) play a good part in that.
My personal reviews from the school days were often like that: Not responding well to criticism.Many assumptions, many ways but only a few will get it all back on track to being a trustworthy source.
And like you said: Linus needs to step back from being community feedback (lwt that the community manager handle) and let WAN show be a primarily tech talk focused live show with a community Q/A. Maybe let the CEO be a regular (once every X weeks) so community can give him targeted questions and let the other weeks be about the company/Linus/Luke/Dan and just a normal Q and A without the business talk.If his disabilities is a hindrance to him being effective in his role at the company it is time to change roles.
A disability does not excuse this kind of behavior.
I wouldnt call it a disability as more of a handicap.
It’s just that the communication may be different and that may be the reason he doubles down.
I am by no means a psychotherapist so my opinion should be taken as an atom of salt at best.Fyi disability and handicap are interchangeable in this context.
Am I the only one who thinks this is a little overblown? After reading all these comments I finally got around to watching the video and was honestly pretty underwhelmed and found the GN guy a little over dramatic in his framing and language of the issue.
I’m not claiming he’s doing this whole thing for attention or clout. But yeah, not seeing anything world shaking or enough to change my views on much of anything.
GN dude literally just stated facts, with the evidence.
And that too after an lmg video called them out by name. The original video literally had the guy saying that lmg was better than others like GN or hardware unboxed.
They didn’t have to do it. Especially when there are multiple points of data pointing to their glaring inaccuracies.
I honestly never got his channel. Does Linus actually have a tech/engineering background which makes him an authority on this stuff? Watching his videos leads me to believe that he doesn’t. He gets basic shit wrong way too often.
Linus is both knowledgable and a good entertainer. The problem is he’s grown from a casual reviewer to running a 100+ employee business, pumping out multiple videos a week with his face on it - He simply cannot possibly know anything about the product besides what’s on the script.
When he is interested in something, it really shows. The way he talks about the LTT Screwdriver or the Framework laptop for example almost never even has a correction, let alone errors. Linus just has no ability to upscale that quality.
Yeah, the channel was great many years ago. Basically the same time they moved to the warehouse building is when it went downhill, and fast. They started pumping out more lower quality videos, and it was nearly all covered in click bait. They also created the side channel where they tried to make funny content. That’s when I unsubscribed. I don’t know if that’s all still the same, but they clearly got caught up in trying to expand and following youtube trends that they forgot what they were good at.
He’s does not have a technical background and he’s said as much, gaming and computers are just a passion for him.
He’s an entertainer, not an authority. But he speaks so passionately it’s easy for a non-technical person to believe he’s an authority.
Lienus Theft Tips
For reviews sure, for entertainment? Sets me to sleep tbh
2x speed is your friend
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I feel like I’m taking crazy pills and I have the hottest take on the planet, but I really don’t think this is as huge a scandal as everyone wants to make it, and Steve’s motives / vibes are just really suspect in this whole thing.
what exactly is suspect about his motives?
He’s on the offense, it’s a strategy. What’s his endgame, what are his motives? We’re hearing a lot of one side of the story. I’m naturally suspicious, and need way more information than everyone seems happy to run with.
Is Gamers Nexus finally getting the respect they deserve?
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Who is GN? Haven’t seen them before.
Tech Jesus for data. LTT for infotainment.