Red Hat stops all upstream and downstream work on desktop Bluetooth, multimedia applications (namely totem, rhythmbox and sound-juicer) and libfprint/fprintd (
Farewell, Red Hat. Thanks for all your good work throughout the years. Sucks you sold out to IBM
All these corporations looking to kill off their own relevance. They all in the same death cult or something?
Never forget, in a capitalist system, every firm will always eventually try to get as many people as possible, to pay as much as possible, for as little as possible.
All these corporations looking to kill off their own relevance. They all in the same death cult or something?
IBM uses mostly Windows in house, so they are not interested in desktop Linux and apparently then nobody else would be either.
Well, Fedora and Gnome were embraced and extended by IBM.
You know what’s next now.
Yep, Ubuntu will fork all of these, then trash them, introduce their alternatives, then drop support in 5 years.
What do you get when you merge a company with IBM?
Annoying commercials about “the cloud” and some robot they built 30 years ago.
why did you link to a kbin view of another post right here on ! ?
Can someone tell me what this means for fedora?
Corpo shills were never on the team pleb… just so happened it was good for them to do something that benefited FOSS. Now that is over, it seems.
Hope that backfire on IBM.
Yes, it will but so slowly and further down the road, nobody at IBM will see the connection. When Fedora (or desktop Linux in general) will be slightly less appealing to people who in 10 years will become the decision makers at IT departments, it’ll weaken the position of Linux and I’m turn the commercial support providers.
Guess, everyone who does not yet own a Steam Deck needs to get one because Valve seems to be the biggest commercial proponent of consumer GNU/Linux.
With redhat withdrawing from FOSS and Ubuntu making a sour flavor of Debian… I think it will either be debian or SUSE.
Debian is a community system. If we nees to support a corporation with our money, it is in SUSE that we must place our hope. Our hope that Linux in the Enterprise will be ruled by a moral corporation.
If we nees to support a corporation with our money, it is in SUSE that we must place our hope.
SUSE fired almost all upstream contributors a decade or so ago. They used to employ 10-20 KDE developers, about the same number of GNOME developers, a bunch of OpenOffice developers (their Go-OO variant of OpenOffice served as base for LibreOffice), and maintained Mono. As much as I personally like openSUSE TW (IMO it’s the best rolling release distribution), SUSE as a corporate entity is worse than Red Hat under IBM. If you think Red Hat under IBM is bad, look up what SUSE having been a Novell subsidiary and then getting sold two additional times did to them. Red Hat would need cancel upstream contributions for so much more to come down to the level of SUSE. A company looking for enterprise Linux support is still best served with Red Hat. Pretty much the entire competition was freeloading off Red Hat’s work. After shutting down their entire desktop department, SUSE was left with a few packagers and two or so people who developed GNOME extensions.
As I wrote in another comment: The company most interested in helping out upstream projects with desktop focus is Valve, not only via their own developers but also by contracting Collabora and Blue Systems. Given how Valve’s update cycle of SteamOS is, those contributions will mostly still land first in “regular” Linux distributions such as openSUSE TW or Fedora, though. It’s a lucky coincidence that Valve developed and released Steam Deck but they are also mostly just interested in the plumbing and Plasma Desktop itself, not applications (unless it’s about apps SteamOS developers use and they need to scratch their own itches though bug fixes). So Bluetooth an power management: sure. Music players: no.
SUSE is independent again and back to focusing on Linux. It was the American corporation Novell that did all the cuts. Now that it’s back to being independent German they are putting new focus on Linux desktop.
If we nees to support a corporation with our money, it is in SUSE that we must place our hope.
SUSE fired almost all upstream contributors a decade or so ago. They used to employ 10-20 KDE developers, about the same number of GNOME developers, a bunch of OpenOffice developers (their Go-OO variant of OpenOffice served as base for LibreOffice), and maintained Mono. As much as I personally like openSUSE TW (IMO it’s the best rolling release distribution), SUSE as a corporate entity is worse than Red Hat under IBM. If you think Red Hat under IBM is bad, look up what SUSE having been a Novell subsidiary and then getting sold two additional times did to them. Red Hat would need cancel upstream contributions for so much more to come down to the level of SUSE. A company looking for enterprise Linux support is still best served with Red Hat. Pretty much the entire competition was freeloading off Red Hat’s work. After shutting down their entire desktop department, SUSE was left with a few packagers and two or so people who developed GNOME extensions.
As I wrote in another comment: The company most interested in helping out upstream projects with desktop focus is Valve, not only via their own developers but also by contracting Collabora and Blue Systems. Given how Valve’s update cycle of SteamOS is, those contributions will mostly still land first in “regular” Linux distributions such as openSUSE TW or Fedora, though. It’s a lucky coincidence that Valve developed and released Steam Deck but they are also mostly just interested in the plumbing and Plasma Desktop itself, not applications (unless it’s about apps SteamOS developers use and they need to scratch their own itches though bug fixes). So Bluetooth an power management: sure. Music players: no.
Can you explain why “community system” is bad? Genuinely curious, since the word community sounds like it’s not controlled by corpo interests
Community systems are not bad, that’s most of Linux, but there needs to be an ethical, FOSS-friendly enterprise system to get corpos invested in Linux and FOSS. Besides, corporate systems usually have massive dev teams and upstream/open-source a lot of their work. As much as I shit on Canonical and Red Hat, they’ve done immense amounts of beneficial work for Linux and FOSS.
Well, The Enterprise Linux war is just getting better and better!
What you are referring to as Red Hat is in fact IBM/Red Hat, or as I’ve recently come to calling it, IBM + Red Hat
Welp… Gnome will lost many of their contributor/maintainer… Well, at least KDE folks is backed by Novell(SUSE) and XFCE is purely maintained by community already. It seems Linux desktop is still safe. lol
But this was it’s year!