Some really promising additions here. I especially like the pedestrian roads, which hopefully means we will be able to build less car-centric cities this time around. Also the roundabouts look great.
Meanwhile I was excited to see parking lots. I will fill my city with concrete and you can’t stop me!
Parking lots
Wow. Now you can finally build realistic American cities ;)
Do most cities in America have parking lots. I feel like every city I go to the parking is hardest thing to find. Walmarts and malls being the exception.
About 20% of the land of major cities tends to be parking, and it’s a big issue because that land could be used for housing. City builders tend to ignore that because it makes cities ugly (in real life, it does too!), but if they actually modeled parking in their simulation, it would have all sorts of ripple effects that would be interesting to plan around.
Parking lots are absolutely everywhere. Some zones just prohibit large ones for historic reasons or otherwise (it’s possible maybe you were in one of those zones)?
Visit Nashville, TN (around Centennial Park), Orlando, FL (around the Mall at Millennia) or Jacksonville, FL (around St. John’s Town Center) and you’ll see what I mean.
If all cims need access to parking that might actually make good public transit much more important for your city if you don’t want it to look like Houston in the seventies
Traffic accidents!
I shouldn’t be happy over seeing my cims get wrecked, but I’ve wanted that for CS. The game mechanics of road blocked and temporary queues and having to remember to build detour-alternative roads.
It’s probably just based on the road maintenance score, but I’d love it junction and road design played a part in accident frequency. So my town can have that one intersection that always seems to have a crash during rush hour every Friday.
I got a little bit too excited about roundabouts. “Ooh, they’ll be so useful!”. I know we kind of had them in the first game, but only really a huge junctions. I want to build Milton Keynes.
I love how they’re designing the roads so they actually degrade over time and need maintenance and the pedestrian walking areas. It’s all the tiny details that has me excited.
Seems like they are adding a ton of improvements from popular mods. The automatic intersection feature is honestly the biggest though, it was so annoying having to find tune intersections in the first game.
I’m staying away for my own good. The first game sucked waaaay too many hours out of my life!
heh, I know the feeling. Aside from Minecraft, it’s the only game I’ve cracked 1,000 hours in…
I’ve not played for some time but I’m liking the sound of these changes! I’m glad they’ve started these diaries by talking about roads, which were always a pain point for me. Here’s hoping the traffic simulation is also improved.
Looks like the topic of the second dev diary is traffic. So we’ll only need to wait until the 26th to find out if they’ve accuratelly modeled terrible drivers.
I don’t see any bike lanes :(
They said on Twitter and in the comments of the linked post, that there won’t be any bikes at all at release.
They’ll very likely be a DLC.
This is a little disappointing for me - I wanted to build from scratch on a more “human scale” or european style
Looks like I’ll be on CS1 until the DLC comes out 😒
There are pedestrian roads so you can still do a walkable/bikable city. When the dlc comes out im sure itll be simple to just add bike lanes where you want on existing infrastructure.
Yeah, I hope they expand immensely on public transport, biking and walkable cities. Having to build car-centric cities would make me sad.
I can’t wait to pave over the green hills with parking lots. No, really.
Easy there, Counting Crows.
Visually it looks amazing. Love the addition of the “parallel roads” feature too, that’ll be a huge timesaver.
The most interesting takeaway for me in this diary was that you can select individual lanes like the one in the video where you’re selecting an individual lane to create a slipway and how the mouse selectively panned over each lane and choose the one that created the said slipway. This is really exciting stuff and I really really hope that they fixed the traffic problems that the first CS game had 😭
I really love the UX here. It seems super intuitive, definitely much more intuitive than traffic manager mods and stuff like that. Want to add a lane to the side? Just move your cursor to that side of the road. Want to add a crosswalk? Just find the crosswalk asset and place it on the road…
So intuitive!
I agree! There is something that a lot of people haven’t really talked about and its the water mechanic, it seems to be more realistic rather than how in the first CS it was literally like jello lol
I’m so happy to see a thread about Cities Skylines here! And one with plenty of reactions and comments.
I was worried the community would vanish along with Reddit and I would have go elsewhere to get my complex intersection fix…
Me too—I was saddened when r/CitiesSkylines didn’t take part in the blackout. A community for a game that became as successful as it is in part due to the hard work of unpaid third-party developers should have been at the forefront of the protests
I love me some cities skylines. Even if it’s just me making the worst-designed cities and getting mad about traffic.
Honestly, I was a bit surprised at how much better this seems! If the rest of the sequel has a similar level of improvements, it will shape up to be a great game at launch!
I love all the public transit and walkable stuff. Let me make my people-first cities! Also the traffic accidents and road quality stuff. If there’s one thing I want the most it is greater depth on the management part.